MovieChat Forums > Four Brothers (2005) Discussion > What was the point of Jack Mercer?

What was the point of Jack Mercer?

Talk about pointless introverted characters. It seemed like 90% of the time he was a filler, merely following the other 3 dudes around, never peeping a word and constantly staring at the floor with the occasional grimace when one of his bros cracked a joke. Then they killed him off so Bobby Mercer could cry, even though there was minimal to no character development between the two of them up until then. If it weren't for that bit he might as well have just been an extra. They could've surely done more with him. Just bad writing or what?


Yeah I thought the same. Pointless character with no character development. He didn't even seem to fit in with the other three. And then they killed him off and we as an audience are supposed to feel sad? I felt nothing when he died which tells me the filmmakers failed to do their job.


I thought he worked out alright. Sure he was quiet but he has three very vocal older brothers who every time he opens his mouth they make fun of him. I think he was introverted because while away from the brothers he was a rock star, with them he was just little jackie and that made him awkward. Also the scene where his mother says that "very bad things happened to him while he was younger" that would add to his fearful backwards demeanor.


I think he was "the core" or heart of the brothers. Everyone loves the youngest, you know?

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.


amen peanutbutter. and to the point of the person who said there was very little character development between jack and the brothers? he was far younger, i would assume as much as 10 yrs between him and bobby, possibly more. he was the youngest, and they all were quite obviously protective of him, despite constantly teasing him, and making gay jokes. it was to toughen him up, they probably had picked on him like that every chance they got - despite the teasing, it was easy, it was friendly and fun. but when the *beep* hit the fan, they had his back. and when he got killed, it pissed bobby off even more.

step up or shut up!!!


I totally agree with peanut butter and neveragain. Jack brought a type of balance to the group of brothers. He was quiet and sensitive to the point of vulnerability while the others were kick-ass, in-your-face types. And yet, Jack was the one who died. It was a great dynamic that worked well.


Totally disagree! In fact I believe Jack was a very good character. Quiet, yes, but as his mother said 'bad things had happened to him before he came to her.' You can tell he's had a very traumatic time. And you can see that his brothers are trying to protect him by trying to keep him out of danger. When jack is Killed, Bobby feels like he's failed him which makes the scene even more painful.


I liked him. When you have three alphadogs you need a quite guy to round out the pack. Plus they needed one more person they cared about to kill off to cause them to kick it to the next level.


I swear his entire script was written on a dinner napkin


He wasn't as known as his co stars, but I was still able to connect with the character. Enough to feel the loss when he died. He was constantly picked on, like younger brothers usually are.


I didn't see a problem with Jack, at first when I watched the movie I thought he was a little out of place but as I watch the movie I just got used to him or he grew on me. Poor Jack he did seem like the outcast sometimes it didn't help when Bobby would pick on him but I guess it was just out of love like how older siblings do to their younger siblings to toughen them up.


I liked Jack, and despite the teasing, you could see how many times Bobby protected him. Made sure he wasn't involved in the murder, etc. So I don't see the point of killing him at the end. It was enough that Mom was killed, they didn't need to rid of Jackie. I don't get it. If anything, his being protected made the group stronger and closer.


Wake up buddy. You're part of the progressive movement whether you like it or not. Every film these days has to have at least one gay character. Whether they're relevant to the story or not. Half of this film could have ended up on the cutting room floor and you still would have understood the story.

Example of senility.
