MovieChat Forums > Four Brothers (2005) Discussion > Aren't they all just dishonoring Evelyn?

Aren't they all just dishonoring Evelyn?

I hated this movie for one big reason.

You are given the impression that Evelyn was a wonderful person --perhaps even a saint, who tried to raise the boys in her image. So, I can't help wondering what she would say about every single action they take in this film. I don't think she'd approve. Granted, if they just filed police reports and politely asked everyone on the street for info, there'd be no movie, but that one sticky point seems obvious from the beginning, and IMO ruins the movie.

Maybe if they'd shown her shooting smack or running a puppy mill, or something. Then it'd work.
Professional [?] on closed course. Do not attempt


Well they mention that the reason she took the boys in herself is that they were so screwed up she couldn't find any other home for them so while she wouldn't have agreed I think it's something she might have expected. I think dishonouring is a strong word. They tried to find their Mothers killer the only way they knew how.

There's a moral to this story Del Boy but for the life of me I can't find it!


Apparently, I missed that bit of info, which makes it somehow...better? relatively speaking. Thank you for bringing that to my attention.

Professional [?] on closed course. Do not attempt
