Respecting ALL Life

Yeah... I thought this would be silly.. and it is... but... it does make you remeber... you may never know what complexity LIFE involves.... I've noticed as I've gotten older.. I don't so easily step on the bug in the bathroom... I'm more often inclined to scoop em up and toss em outside...


growing up.... is full of all kinds of wierd stuff.

But a respect for any... and I mean ANY kind of life.... just comes to you... the line in the sand is survival....

otherwise... I have noticed... for me anywhoo.. I've grown into live and let live.

Fun movie.

"I'm sorry... my Karma just ran over your Dogma..."



Oh, but is it so sinful to spare as many lives as one can? Your reaction to this is showing your true colors.

Scroop's Domain


I hope it's not black.


Hooray for you fenrislupus. It really depends on your morality, but I just don't believe in killing something for no reason if you can help it. It's really that simple.

you can't fight in here, this is the war room!


I don't think 'not killing bugs' has much to do with growing up. I've always had difficulty killing anything.
