if only!

i was a part of the Save Jericho campain for those of you who don't know (it was a campain to bring back a CBS show) and it worked! if only we had the organization and support and fans tons of fans whow oul dbe ready to bug ABC into bringin CIC back!1


Congrats on Jericho I have been reading about it everywhere.

I also agree. This show is worth the same amount of dedication. Having said that I think all the fans have given up. the boards are silent.


I agree a lot of fans have given up.


yea and it is a shame i don't think that tele-movie are going to be a reality the only way we know is if Geena Davis gives a DEFFINETE answer!


yea I agree. It makes me so sad....I miss the show so much.


I really miss it. It was so intelligent.


Best chance at this point is for Lifetime to pick up the show and either do a season 2 or a TV movie wrapping things up. Personally, I think they should get all the particulars back together and do a season 2. I'd love to see if Geena won the electon and who the new Speaker would be if Donald Sutherland was unable to reprise his role. They just have to have him on for 1 episode to give his character a proper send-off.

And by the way, the boards are not silent. I'm always on them fighting the good fight. But a 1 man campaign can only be so successful.


I'm here now...Is there anything we can do to get this show back on!?!?!
