MovieChat Forums > Commander in Chief (2005) Discussion > Becca's IM Buddy And Their Relationship,...

Becca's IM Buddy And Their Relationship, Objective Speculation

This may be something that would have come out in later seasons, but I wanted to make an observation about Templeton's aide and Becca. Templeton's aide strikes me as being at least in his early 20's while Becca on the show is 16. If there were an election, how do you think the press would react when they found out that one of Templeton's aides (that attends meetings with Templeton because they made a point of saying he would) was having a relationship with the President's underage daughter. I am 100% sure that Templeton and Jayne know nothing about it, but it just seemed like a plotline that they were going to touch on at some later date and now with no second season on the horizon, it's speculation time! So here is some food for thought:

1) What do you think about Templeton's Aide & Becca's relationship?
2) Is it possible that it will end in any scenario other than bad?
3) How do you think Mac & Rod would react to finding out about it?
4) How do you think Templeton & Jayne would react to finding out about it?
5) How would the press on the show spin it considering the Mike Fleming incident and the fact that his tape of he and Becca could surface? (I bet you all forgot about Fleming's tape. Imagine him on The O'Riley Factor spewing all types of lies about Becca.)
6)Who would be hurt more by this Templeton or Mac?
7) Would this be enough to lose one or both of them the election?
8) Do you think that Becca might be enticed to betray her mother in any way as a result of this relationship to the Republician party just to make her life easier?


sorry no one responded but i think like me, everyone hated that whiny little bitch becca. the only good ending of that relationship was becca getting plastered and then blowing 50 guys on hidden video tape at some skank club in dc and having templeton using it to get rid of mac. the show was good, but i just realized today (in 2008) that the show never came back so it couldnt be that good, main reason i remember losing interest? that stupid becca.
