Have you all given up???

I have read through the pages of these threads and the posts are getting fewer and farther between. Have you given up on our show???

People said they have been contacting the network etc, then please post on here your responce. I know most of you seem to be getting the same answer. I live in the UK and I spent two days solid calling the networks both here and in the US to no avail.

Please don't give up on this show. Do some digging around, I may be wrong but I don't think we have had a definitve answer and we deserve one. Come on guys any bit of info helps post all you know.




i have not given up i think someone should protest to ABC in new york at their headquarters and ask for a definate answer to settle all rumors! thats what should be done


I have not giving up either. But when we email then, they never email me back.
I going to keep trying.


okay i'll keep calling around. someone must know something. Maybe we could try contacting geena's people too???


maybe we should try to start contancting the president of ABC and bombard him with emails like i mean thousands and thousands asking about commander in chief maybe some way we will get the answer or email ii dont know barbra walters she may have power in ABC. someone try to get these emails i will also try and if i do i will post them here try to email it, or even email the Geena Davis fan club if there is one.



I agree. Go C.I.C!


has anyone tried contacting geenas people i cant even find a fan club or anything for her.


When Hillary gets elected they'll return all your e-mails and put the show back on prime-time......all of which will happen after winged rhesus monkeys fly out of Bill Clinton's ass..


Well fingers crossed for hil lol. But if anyone anywhere knows anything. Then please keep trying I'm doing my best.

"United we stand-Devided we fall"


I'm still rooting for it from London.

If anybody has the email address for the prsident of ABC, give it up!


I emailed ABC 1 a few times and I emailed Matt Rosh from TV now, and they both have said that there itnt going to be a movie :(

I later emailed ABC 1 again and they said there was no answer yet.

Commander in chief is still advertised on the ABC 1 website and if you are in the UK, the first season is being rerun on more 4 every week night at either midnight or 1am. Which I think can only be a good sign. I try and watch it every day even though I have the DVD, just to keep the viewing figures up.

I also have emailed ABC in America many times. I can find an address to write to or email Rod Lure.


dont' forget to sign this petition



Let it go and good riddence!!


I don't think all is for naught just yet. While chances may be slim for the show's return, at least by continuing to express our support, we might still get a tv 2 hr movie.

That to me will be worth it.


Reviving a show is next to impossible. Especially when the ratings were so bad the first time around. Im only being realistic. Lets all just put this show in that special place in our hearts and move on.


Probably not going to happen. The actors have moved on. Geena Davis was amazing in Commander in Chief, but ABC messed up the scheduling and killed the show.


They could in theory make a season 2, although I do feel they will need some new actors most will have moved on and lets face it Jasmine is like 11 now she can hardly play a 7 year old


No we havent,

I have just signed the petition many people still are, I have also e-mailed ABC and written to Geena's people.

Keep the fight going!


What I can't figure out, is why the ratings were so low. I've got a mate, e doesn't really like the U.S. I don't know why and he was very reluctant to watch CIC. I finally got him to watch it, and he loved it. "A great show with a pretty good cast."


P.S. I love the U.S. Just had to say.


The ratings were so low because it wasn't a good show. There are a lot programmes that have low ratings because they were screwed about by the network. This show wasn't, it had some huge names involved and a lot of hype. It failed because it was cliched, and paint by numbers. When I watch a show about world leaders I want to see something intelligent.

I also think this show failed because it pissed women off. A female president that can play hardball and stand up to the evil men. Nice mid 90's Girl Power thinking.


Buceph is right. This show simply was no good. Cliches in every episode, laugh-out-loud dialogue, hammy acting, and blatant rip-offs of West Wing plots. Even compare the sets on the two shows. This was just really poor TV. As bad as CSI Miami, and that's saying something. And btw, internet petitions do not bring shows back. Do you honestly think the President of ABC is going to say:" The ratings were CIC were terrible, but on the other hand, I got a petition from some people on a message board. They must know something I don't. Get the show back on the air."
Dream on.


well, the show did have good ratings until they screwed with the time slot and put it opposite American Idol I believe. As much as I hate AI, it's tough to compete against. I guess winning a golden globe just prove how bad a show it was...



I lean right in my politics and did roll my eyes a couple time watching this show BUT I love this show.
I miss it and so mad at ABC for canceling it.

100,000+ signatures, $75,000, 20 tons of nuts later: Jericho returns Feb 12, 2008 on CBS 10pm/E.


Just wondering, what's some of the stuff you rolled your eyes at? :)


Nothing serious. The show was actually very even-handed. Love Love Love this show!! It's funny how Something about Jim is renewed (or whatever its called) but this perfect show wasn't.

100,000+ signatures, $75,000, 20 tons of nuts later: Jericho returns Feb 12, 2008 on CBS 10pm/E.


I see you like Jericho also. I little part of me wishes that Mackenzie Allen is President of the Real USA on Jericho. I watch that show too and email CBS after each airing to let them know I'm watching.


I have recently been following this series on a UK channel know as More 4, I can't speak for others but certainly after the first two episodes I am hooked. I felt it is shows the complex and emotional items behind the politics along with potentially a close resemblance with the current US Presidential Campaigns.

In two words Absolutely Brilliant!


I was one of the people who watched it from day one and I couldn't believe how stupid ABC was about this show! First they match it up against American Idol, and there is no way anything can really compete with that, then they are competing with the Olympics?? They kept moving the day it was aired... I'm pretty sure it was on Thurs... then mondays... then maybe on a friday? It changed almost weekly. And I could barely figure it out in time to see it.

I had thought they would have put the show in the timeslot on Sundays that West Wing had when that show went off air, they could have had a shot at capturing that audience.... but no they cancelled it. I was more than a little disappointed!!! Maybe they will bring it back now that the idea of a women president is not as laughable.... we can only hope... but I doubt it.

These networks never give a show enough time to gain a following before they pull it. If it's not an instant success or money maker it is gone. It's like Firefly... although this one made it longer.


