Sarah Palen

Isn't this the same scenario as CiC? Woman becomes a VP to help candidate help with women? Obviously it's not the exact same, but it has enough similarities for a chuckle.


Yeah, she is also elected by reps, although Palin is a lot more conservative and stubborn than Davis was in the show, Davis was actually an Independent.
Lets see, maybe the show was prophetic after all.
Although I really hope you Americans don't elect Mr. McCain


The similarities of this show and the Republican ticket are indeed uncanny. The show was the first thing I thought of when I saw the announcement from Dayton. I, on the other hand, do hope that we Americans elect Senator McCain as President.


She would have a much older President to outlive, but probably not the same antagonism from the speaker of the house who is a woman now. She comes across a lot like Geena Davis, and CIC is a palindrome. It's an interesting parallel to ponder if you liked the program in it's short life.
