MovieChat Forums > Commander in Chief (2005) Discussion > Shameless Hillary promotion

Shameless Hillary promotion


Even Oprah supports Barack Obama For president.


Actually, the TV show was originally intended to be a sequel of sorts to the film The Contender which was written and directed by Rod Lurie (the creator of the series.) Furthermore, Lurie has gone on record as saying that the show was in fact not a vehicle for promoting Senator Hillary Clinton's run for the Presidency. And after watching the show I would have to concur. The character of President Mackenzie Allen is modeled after Vice President Lanie Hanson from The Contender and not Senator Hillary Clinton. Joan Allen portrayed Lanie Hanson and stated that she got her ideas for her character from Senator Blanche Lincoln.



My husband and I were big fans of the show. We never thought it had anything to do with Hillary. I agree, the McKenzie character and the Hillary character...Opps! Sorry, although she is fake, she is a real person, not a character. Anyway, they are completely different. I wish Geena's character had been real! I would have voted for her! Not because she was a woman, but because her values echoed mine and she really tried to govern in the best interest of the people, not her own.


just like head of state !!!


To be honest, Gina Davis's character looks more like a future Sarah Palin!


You are aware that this show was conceived long before Clinton decided to run for president, right? You do grasp that this show aired in 05- 3 years ago. Everything isn't a conspiracy.... but, since we're on the topic, every time a movie or TV show that has evey had a black president is shamelessly promoting Obama! And, obviously, every single show with an old white guy as president is backing McCain 100%. Give me a break. Just because both Clinton and Geena Davis' character share a sngle characteristic- being- *gasp!* a woman (oh, the nerve....)- that around half the world's population also shares, does not immediatly make it a political plug. geez. That is such a sexist thing to say, I don't even know where to start. Some people take these things far too seriously... it's fiction, entertainment- there isn't a ppolitical adgenda lurking in every single thing that every person on the face of the planet does, despite what some people would like to believe...


Oh, the show was created in the 1980's? It was evident to anyone paying attention in the mid 90's that Hillary had designs on the White House. I agree not everything is political, but by the time this show was in production EVERYONE knew Hill was making a run for the White House.


I'ts true there was alot of talk about Hilary running for president the same time this show was around. I have heard several people say when they saw this was coming on, how it was an advertisement for Hilary. Also, on a personal note, given the Clinton's reputation, I was sure they were to murder either Bill or Hillary so voters would feel bad and get Hillary elceted(or Bill who would take the spot if she was dead). Which happend to a governor who died in A plane crash several years ago, his wife become governor. He had no chance to win but everyone felt sorry. Wonder why the Clinton's didn't think of this? I'd think they'd go low enough to sabotage the other for power.


CIC pre-dated Hillary's run for President, yes, that's evident. However, the Conserative Talking Heads slammed the show as propaganda to make Americans feel comfortable with the idea of a woman/female President. (ie proof that Hillary was indeed going to run and that Hollywood was going to support her)

Fastforward to November 2008: Female vice presidential candidate is selected to insure the election of her male running mate? The doomed President dies, leaving a woman to lead the nation?...Perhaps now is the time to get the Conservative Talking Heads to get this show back on the air!


Yeah, all this Conspiacy talk is well+ fine. But what if we get McCain in the WH And then we get Mackenzie Lipstick Bulldog Sarah running the show??? The thought petrifies me to Death!!!


Yeah, all this Conspiacy talk is well+ fine. But what if we get McCain in the WH And then we get Mackenzie Lipstick Bulldog Sarah running the show??? The thought petrifies me to Death!!!


Yeah, all this Conspiacy talk is well+ fine. But what if we get McCain in the WH And then we get Mackenzie Lipstick Bulldog Sarah running the show??? The thought petrifies me to Death!!!
