A Possible Reprieve

For the better part of the last 3 years after all the innuendo and rumors about a TV movie and perhaps some other channel picking up the show, we are still no further along in getting a renewel, a TV movie, or even the release of the coveted unaired episodes of the show. Now, there is new attention on Commander in Chief as a result of the nomination Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for Vice President on the Republican ticket. This new found attention is something that all of us fans of the show may be able to take advantage of.

While renewel is unlikely and a TV movie is at best a longshot, one thing that is very much within our grasp is the release of the 5 unaired episodes of the show. Right now those episodes are either sitting in a vault at ABC or on someone's hard drive waiting to be edited. The promo for Little Shop of Horace one of the five in question was aired, but actual episode never made it to network TV which to me indicates that at least that particular episode is edited.

One of the things most asked on this site and other CIC and Geena Davis oriented fansites is, "What can I do to help?" The first thing you can do is log onto www.tvshowsondvd.com and vote for the show. www.tvshowsondvd.com is a website that allows you to vote for your favorite unreleased tv shows for a potential release. I vote on there for all the shows I love that have not been given the DVD treatment. I encourage all of you to vote for the Commander in Chief there (along with all the other shows you love that haven't been released.) The people that see those results are heads of studios that are interested to see what it is people want released. If there is enough of a demand for it there, a release of the unaired episodes would be imminent. It's free to register (along with quick and easy) and open up an account and in the end you might help CIC get a release. Also, when you vote you get a choice of the way you would like to see the show released (Season Set, Best of, Individual Episodes.) Please check all 3.

The second thing you can do is that after you vote, you will get an opportunity to write a letter to the studio that owns the rights to the show and let them know how you feel and why the unreleased episodes merit release. Points you may want to address are the historical relevance of the show with the campaign Hillary Clinton and the Vice Presidential nomination of Gov. Sarah Palin, the incredible star power of Geena Davis, and the huge fan following the show has, and the publicity that the 5 unaired episodes that would garner among them. For years now we've been denied seeing a conclusion/extension to this show that is made more despecible by the fact that they were already shot and should have been included on the initial release. Let's take advantange of this moment in history and do or part to make sure the unreleased episodes see the light of day.

These is the current results on www.tvshowsondvd.com. Please post yours on here after you vote so all of us know where the show stands. Also, indicate wheither or not you sent a letter in because a lot of letters coupled with votes will lend creedence to our cause.

Voting Results

Overall Rank: 1247th
Season Set: 423 (100%)
Best of: 52 (12%)
Individual Episodes: 46 (11%)
Total Number of Voters: 425




As far as the letter you wrote to ABC on bringing back Commander in Chief, at this point would literally require an act of god to pull off. The best we'd probably be able to get is the 5 Unaired episodes and that's where our focusa should be. so I strongly encourage you to log onto www.tvshowsondvd.com and not only vote for the show but also to maybe cut and paste that letter into the spot where you can write to the people who own the rights and let them know how you feel.

As far as Sarah Palin becoming VP, I will say as a Conservative and a Republican that I hope it does not happen.


Hi harlemsushi. Thank you for the info. I just registered for the site and went and voted.

I, also, thought of this show immediately after McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate and then heard her speak. OMG ... it is like Geena Davis in Commander In Chief, I thought! I loved that show. I had never ever seen "West Wing" (don't much care for NBC) so this was all new to me and I can't believe they cancelled it.

I am curious about something in your last post. I read it a few times and maybe it is too early in the morning for me but to me, it did not make much sense. So you are saying you are a Conservative and a Republican but don't want to see her becoming VP?!

BTW ... I am watching FOX News right now and McCaiin is on talking to Chris Wallace and he (Chris) showed results of a poll. Earlier on the majority of people said they WOULD be more likely to vote for McCain because of Palin but now the numbers are reversed. I had not realized that and don't understand that one either. Please excuse my ignorance, but ... as I said, I just don't get it! Thank you:)


I'm not sure I fully understand your question but if it's a position question I will do my best to answer it. I am a Conservative and a Republican much the same way President Dwight Eisenhower, Senator Barry Goldwater, Senator Wayne Morse, Senator Olympia Snowe, Senator Susan Collins, or Congressman Christopher Shays are/were. Right now as an American, I feel that my party has been high-jacked by corpratists, religious zealots, and just plain idealogy.

I feel McCain is wrong on a vast majority of the issues (though I disagree with Obama on a vast many also) and disagree with Palin on many more. Both McCain and Palin are Republican and Conservative in name only and not in practice and as an American I feel it would be a detriment to this nation for me to help put two people in office simply because of party politics. To me this year I have a choice between a bad senator (Obama) and a horrible senator (McCain.) That being the case, I will do the right thing, hold my nose, and vote for Obama. Hopefully he turns into FDR when he becomes president and not James Buchanan.


I apologize if I did not make myself clear but yes, you did answer my question. Thank you so much.


Just want to give eveyone an update, we've moved up 7 spots in the rankings but still have a ways to go before lifting the eyebrow of some of the studio heads. So if you are a fan of the show and have not voted for it yet, please log onto www.tvshowsondvd.com and vote for the show. Registration on the site is free, fast and easy and msy end up helping the show get a proper release. These are the current results for Commander in Chief:

Voting Results

Overall Rank: 1240th
Season Set: 428 (100%)
Best of: 59 (14%)
Individual Episodes: 53 (12%)
Total Number of Voters: 429
