MovieChat Forums > Commander in Chief (2005) Discussion > Let's make a list of things that turned ...

Let's make a list of things that turned viewers off

I’ve followed “the buzz” on CiC online since its inception. I remember what people complained about and what reasons people gave for deciding to stop watching the show. I also observed that the show developed and was shaped based on the criticism and feedback it was getting online. I honestly believe that network execs and producers either read the buzz on IMDB and elsewhere online or else hire people to comb the internet and report back to them with the buzz. IMDB is huge. Everyone knows it, and everyone refers to it in their blogs, and so many people use the message boards here, so that has to be a HUGE source of buzz and feedback for the makers of these shows.

When people complained that the show was becoming too WB-like because they showed the kids too much and Becca whined too much, Bochco came in and showed the kids very little in episodes 9-11. Then when people complained that they never showed the kids anymore, he had them have that party in the White House in episode 12. When people complained about the moustache-twirling-villain nature of Nathan Templeton and his constant efforts to undermine Mac (and him always being foiled again), Bochco made Nathan and Mac civil and buddy-buddy in episodes 9-12. When people complained that Mac always solves the crises at hand and always wins in the end, and the conflicts last only one episode, Bochco created the North Korea crisis plot and the missing weapons in Pakistan plot, which extended into the following episodes. When people complained that Mac was too saintly, too kind, and too perfect, Bochco had her offer Frank Terzano “absolutely nothing” in episode 12.

Then when people complained that Dickie was the jackass, the Jar Jar Binks of the show, Johnson & Co. made him into even more of a jerk so that Mac could fire him in the last episode so they could be rid of him. When people complained that Nathan & Mac were too buddy-buddy, Johnson turned him back into her enemy. When people complained that the characters weren’t shown interacting enough and didn’t have enough of an interesting back story, they started showing scenes from their personal lives, such as Kelly and Vince’s friendship, Vince’s marriage to his partner, Kelly’s ex-husband, and Jim’s friend with whom he discussed becoming Vice President.

So, anyway, I thought it would be helpful if we made a list of things that we remember to have been mentioned as turn-offs to the viewers, to help the creators and producers secure high ratings as they make the TV movie and any future episodes. Like I said in another thread, I personally don’t care, just as long as I get to see Geena Davis every week. But what have others complained about? Add to my list if I forget something. I don’t mean for you to list things like the many hiatuses, the change in schedule, the firing of Rod Lurie, the firing of Bochco, and the negative press surrounding the changes in showrunners. I’m asking you what in the CONTENT of the show turned viewers off. I think they could use a little reminder.

1. the simplicity
2. the slow pacing
3. Mac always solving the crisis at hand within one episode and the crises never extending into more than one other episode
4. Mac was too saintly, too perfect, too much of a superhero
5. the inaccuracies, mistakes, and unrealistic nature – the creators didn’t do their homework and/or didn’t have good enough consultants/political and historical advisors
6. the emasculation of Rod
7. Dickie was a dumb character – the Jar Jar binks of the show
8. Nathan was a moustache-twirling villain, and Mac always defeated him in the end. And yet he continued to try to undermine her and nobody in Washington seemed to know he was doing that or call him on it publicly.
9. Then Nathan and Mac became too friendly and civil, and people couldn’t stomach that either.
10. Republicans were presented as villains, and the Democrats were hardly shown.
11. They didn’t develop the characters enough or show them relate to each other. All right, we know that Mac was a wife and mother of three, that she had been VP, that she had served in Congress for 4 years, that she had been the chancellor of the University of Richmond, that she had been a prosecutor before that, and that she had grown up on Connecticut. What else? Why are we supposed to sympathize with her? Just because she’s a woman? The people at have done a better job of writing back stories for her than the creators of the show. What about her staff and family? What about Nathan? What are their back stories? Why does Mac want to be President? Why does Nathan want to be President?
12. They showed too much of these underdeveloped kid characters, which made the show seem too WB-like, and then they didn’t show enough of them, which only emphasized how underdeveloped they were.
13. Becca was too whiny in the first few episodes, and everyone got tired of her.
14. Amy’s obsession with sugar was a bit too much, and she was too sugary sweet.
15. The show had a soap opera quality. People found the “Cabinet members resigning on Mac” and “characters, particularly Nathan, betraying Mac” plotlines boring and tiring.
16. Mac’s speeches could have been written better.

Please add your thoughts to my list.



So... let’s see...

17. The episodes were too short
18. Most of the episodes the couple Mac-Rod had some argument
19. The characters didn't interact much with each others

I have to agree with you... I watch the show because it was good but the main reason was the actress! Geena Davis is one of the best!

Teresa B


20. Nathan, as Speaker of the House, was too powerful.
21. The show didn't show much of the other members of Congress or give them a very big role.

I can't believe I forgot those. They were biggies.



22. Mac saves they day, every day............again
23. Didnt have a powerful opening like the west wing


25. The writing was weak and two dimensional
26. The stories were underdeveloped
27. There was no complexity; No real struggle; I felt there should have more complex situations involving the situation of a female President.


They should put Kyle Secor in some lead parts in some movies. I miss him. He hasn't done much superb stuff with his career, other than Homicide. The greatest cop show ever.


My complaints...

The blatant homophobia.

The all-too-nice portrail of politicians as actual humans when we all know they are bloodthirsty, greedy, nepotistic, soul-less reptiles!

Stupid fan-dorks that complained about the casting of Mark-Paul and the subsequent pandering to them in creating a senario to fire him.

It just wasn't very good.


they mention that mac was the first female president every episode they should have just focused on the fact that she was the president Female or not


And what the *beep* wrong with Jar Jar Binks!?


I do agree with some of the criticisms. It did sometimes bother me that she was always right. Maybe this would have been remedied in another season. I think the main problem with Commander in Chief was and is the fact there is only one season, so now we have been left with a lot of set up, and no pay off. I still loved it though.

Geena Davis was awesome, and Donald Sutherland was too. Yeah he was your typical nasty politician but there were moments where we saw a different side to him, a humanity. Also he wasn't always being nasty for his own purposes sometimes it was just that he really believed he was right. I think that was a great thing - a scarier thing - that reflects politics as it is, people doing bad things when they think they're actually doing good for the country.

Also I would like to point out that I don't believe they came up with a way to fire Dickie to get him out of the show, it was for dramatic purposes. A new adversary to help Templeton to discredit Mac to bring her down, and someone who had his own agendas within Templeton's camp against the President for his own revenge. Someone who is cocky and arrogant enough to perhaps even not always listen to Nathan and do his own thing as he did with Mac sometimes. So I think this is an unfair criticism. Although maybe I don't see some of the criticisms as I watched it through my i-pod after the season had finished and not on a day to day basis.

Like I said before maybe its biggest fault was the constant feel of using season one as "set up" too much. I think this show would have gone from strength to strength had it been renewed. I'm glad that a TV movie is in the works and I hope we get it over here in Britain. I think it should be good but I hope the main purpose and result of the TV Movie is to get the show up and running again, as I think its the only way to do it justice. I'd like to see other politicians etc infiltrating Mac's Presidency and secretly manipulatingg it ofr their own benefits without her knowing, bringing a darker less Saintly side to her administartion. More crisis, more scandal, more human drama. This show could be even better so lets hope it gets another chance.


28. It tried to steal every storyline from The West Wing. Korea storylines and Speaker of the House taking over seem familiar to anyone?

I really enjoyed watching it, but Mac always winning before the end of every episode and being so self-righteous truly annoyed me by the end of it, along with Nathan's perpetual attempts at destroying her, only to fail at the end of each episode.....


29. Allen is too much of a hero, I want to see her secretly supporting evil regimes! (Could make quite a good plot twist)

"I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Smells like, breakfast."


and THAT would probably end up labeling every other woman evil in and world and we will lose the vote.


True, but women can make evil Politicians as well as men (*Cough* Margaret Thatcher *Cough*)

"I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Smells like, breakfast."


Nothing about the show in and of itself turned me off.
But it was hard to find since it either wasn't on when it was listed or was on when it wasn't. If I didn't know better I'd say ABC to its shame TRIED to kill this show.


>True, but women can make evil Politicians as well as men (*Cough* Margaret Thatcher *Cough*)

What, and Condoleeza Rice is worthy of canonization? :)


Point taken... ;)

"I love the smell of coffee in the morning. Smells like, breakfast."


You omitted Hillary Clinton. After Honduras followed its constitution to expel Hugo Chavez crony Zelaya, Hillary tried to force Honduras to violate its own constitution to put Zelaya back in power.


really nice list



I just hated the way Martin Sheen looked with his new hairdo...


I actually liked how they played the whole "Mac was supposed to resign" thing in episode 7. It cast shadows on a lot of people, like Thad at the beginning who is supporting the author, and then Vince's look on his face when the author has the resignation speech (could be the drug thing, could be because he's feeling guilty). It made for a very interesting episode, IMHO.


I think that the protagonist was too much of a saint. This is why Americans are becoming less and less interested in the Superman (unstoppable/pure ofheart) kind of hero. We can't relate. What we want to see is the female president order the torture of a terrorist BUT feel badly about it. She didn't make hard unpopular decisions and that's the problem with it. Ideals are ok but they aren't reality and the protagonist always did the "right" thing. Also, coming out on top at the end of each epi ... where's the shame ... the disgrace. Her daughter should have been on exstacy or something ...


Absolutely nothing this was the best show of last season.

You only go around life once so you might as well spend it smashed


There is nothing major wrong with this show. It illustrates to us that there is an alternative that is sound and humane to the macho reaction of the current administration pursue of the one only great power dream. The solution might not be easy, but it certainly is worth considering and is much better on the long, long run.
