An idea for a episode

I'll like to see an episode where she goes into home with a troubled teen who is on drugs and constantly in trouble with the law. I wonder how she would handle that. Make him stand in the naughty corner for 2 minutes everytime he gets arrested?


That is just rediculous! He would have to stand in the corner one minute for every year that he is. You obviously do not watch the show! :)

Always borrow money from a pessimist, they never expect it back.


LOL my bad! That would be an interesting episode don't you think?


No, you know whats even better? Have him stay in jail one year for his age. Now thats HILARIOUS!!! lmfao


LOL, yes it would be interesting! I have a nephew like that, but he will be 26 soon and can't keep a job to save his life, and he is in and out of jail too. Messed up with drugs and a habitual liar! It would be interesting to see how she would handle someone like that! Of course, one year for every year he is in jail is almost tempting by now, as this nephew has lived with me since he was 8, but it is a tad bit harsh! lol

Always borrow money from a pessimist, they never expect it back.


MY idea for an episode: Have Jo go to the home of one of my parents in the south bronx and have her try to deal with these psychos.

and by psycho's I mean the parents.

of course we would have to get the parents to sign up for the show.. which is impossible because these parents think their kids shi7 gold.

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!
