The Daniels Family

Just seen the Daniels family episode here in the UK. One look at the start of the show told me that Alexus was going to be a foul-mouthed, nasty piece of work. And I was right. School bully, methinks? And at a few stages during the show, I'm convinced she was totally acting up for the cameras. Not a pleasant girl. I think she was the worst of all of them.

I'm still working on my signature...


It was really sad the way the mother basically couldn't stand her daughter Hailey, and the girl knew it. When they were in the bedroom with Jo the mom couldn't even tell her she loved her. The whole thing was just sad.

I agree. Alexis was out of control and she got a pass from mom for everything she did.


I thought the same thing. I really felt sorry for Hailey. And she was the most well-behaved out of all of them. It's like Jo says: the kids know that they have to misbehave to get their parents' attention. And it works. As Hailey was so quiet, she was getting ignored.

I'm still working on my signature...
