
Why do they never mention how tall each contestant is? It does make a difference. If the tallest person who is more overweight than the shortest person... Then they are the same.

Taller people would have to be more overweight than shorter people in order to equalize how much they have to lose.

It's kind of questionable when I see all these people of different heights and sizes and not know how tall they are?????

Allison could be like. "Ok... It's your turn Brenda, (as Brenda stands on scale)... Brenda your starting weight was ... And standing at 5 feet 4 inches, you are now..."??? Why not?


Yeah, you're right! Height absolutely matters.

Someone who is 5'1" and 250 pounds is more overweight than someone who is 5'11" and 250 pounds.


Right. So I wonder why still to this day, they will not do this? If they want us to be vicarious participants, we need facts as we go!!!!! It's screwing me up when I don't have all of the facts. I'm 5'4 and I'd like to track a certain person on the show as an example but I can't because what if that person is a different height than I thought?

When you go to the dr office they always measure height and weight to keep the scale in perspective. The show should do that as well. I'm also surprised that not many other people mentioned this as well. I dunno. Lol


You are right. Some info which might help you is here on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/AaviaPublishing), I know he has talked about true body composition (muscle vs fat). So even if someone would be considered overweight or obese when their height and weight are put into a BMI calculator, they could be healthy because they have muscle instead of fat. He also talks about what to eat and why.

Best wishes for your good health :)

PS. If you're interested in learning about the importance of supplementing, this doctor discusses it in detail - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avVk6B2P37Q
