how rude is laprincia?

how much of a snot was laprincia to poor bobbi k? and even at the end when she was making nice w/bk you could tell it was only b/c their father was watching.


I wouldn't say that Laprincia was completely disrespectful or intentionally rude or anything. I just think they're on different levels. Laprincia is a little more mature in the sense she's concerned with how she dresses and being interested in boys and whatnot. Bobbi K isn't. The fact that they don't always see each other all the time just made it more awkward. Bobbi K didn't want to get out of the car when she first saw her because Laprincia was there in front of her friends and all of that. It makes me wonder if Laprincia realized that or not. Probably not considering the fact that Laprincia brought her friend along to go shopping with her and her sister. I mean yeah, Laprinicia should've told her friend to stay home or something so she can have some time with just her sister. But with that said its not like she tried to make Bobbi K uncomfortable purposely.

"Sure, we'll help you, just sit down and wait for Detective LIKE-I-GIVE-A-DAMN!" ~Chief Wiggum



I think there's some jealousy there. I think BK is self-conscious because of her weight and LaPrincia probably makes her feel insecure because she's thin and attractive.



I thought laprincia was being a ass hole. When they went back to the hotel shopping she whinned/complained about Bobbi spending $250 on clothes....believe me, $250 is not a lot to spend on clothes plus it's not like she only bought one thing but she bought several items. SHe also mentioned that she act like she's 35 or something like that. Which is not true...she may dress a little to grown up for age but her attitude is very much like 11 or 12 yr. P.S. laprincia should not have wore those white sneakers w/that outfit....sigh...


I totally agree with you bluesclues. I believe LaPrincia is jealous of Krissy because she was complaining about her spending on the clothes. Bobbi cannot help that both her parents are famous and that her mom has money for her to spend. Whitney has to pay child support because Bobby cannot afford it. LaPrincia also said that Krissy bought jeans that were about $150. So what?! If her dad or mom had money, she would buy jeans that cost $150 also. I know I would.


Bobbi K shouldn't have had all that money though - she's too young but LaPrincia was jealous of Bobbi K while shopping that's why she mad those comments. I do think Bobbi K needs counseling though because you can see it in her behavior - especially how she treats her parents.


No she wasn't. That girl had her own money and wasn't shopping like crazy because of her friend. You must didn't see Bobby give her money or her counting it in the hotel.


It is Bobbi Kristina money that is helping pay for Laprincia to eat and dresss. Laprincia's mother needs to try working instead of keep dragging Bobby to court. Bobby does not have half of the money she is asking for. Whitney needs to stop paying child support for him and see what kind of comments Laprincia be making then.


I gathered differently from that encounter.

It was Bobbi K who at times seems displaced by the presence of her sister.

Which in-turn explained her distancing herself from everyone.

Remember, Bobbi K was the one who needed reprimanding from Bobby-the scene where he wanted all cameras out of view-towards the end.


He only reprimanded her because LaPrincia was saying that she was acting like a brat and that she did not want to deal with her. She was displaced by her sister because she kept making comments about her. I would not want to be around someone who kept doing that to me. And to the person that said Krissy should not have had all that money because she is too young is besides the point. Her parents gave it to her so they seem to think she can handle it and regardless of what we think about her having that money is none of our concern; they are going to continue to give it to her whether we disagree or not.


True, our opinions are obsolete pertaining to their distribution of funds.

Perhaps LaPrincia overstepped her bounds to some extent.
