MovieChat Forums > Being Bobby Brown (2005) Discussion > Whitney + Bobby are the lowest form dirt...

Whitney + Bobby are the lowest form dirt on the planet earth

Whitney is a has been, prehaps even a never was
She has about as much talent in her as a ant, which proberly has more talent then her
She couldn't sing her way out a paper bag
She a nothing
She a horror
She is a loser, loser, loser

Bobby is a piece of trash, in desperate need of plastic surgery
Hes the lowest element of mankind
Hes has the brain of a 1 year old
He's a child, a infant

Whitney looks like crap
She looks sick as a dog
She looks as though shes Gods lowest form of life

Together there pigs
There losers
There enough to make you want to vomit and throw up
They have no class
There low lifes
There nothing more then this earths waste to mankind

Let me make this perfectely clear
Today is the first nite I'm seeing this horror show on tv
And I can say this very honestely
I will never put this show on again, as I can't look a them make fools of themselves more then they are

Watching this show tells me that they are going out of there way to show us how disgraceful they really are

They need to both take baths, there so dirty looking, I could smell there stinch from here

If there's a God in the heavens above, please remove this lowlife, garbage, filthy, mentally ill, waste of life show off the air

I gotta go now, I'm feeling so sick looking at there faces and life style
And finally let me say I feel so sorry for the two of them. I wouldn't want to be them or have that life style at all, ever. To me they are dammed for hell.

Bottom line--Don't waste your time viewing this show


Kiss my ass xamp211!!!!!! First off, Whitney Houston has one of the most powerful and angelic voices EVER!!!! If you think you could do a better job at singing the National Anthem, please post it...I would LOVE to hear your voice. Secondly, Whitney has way more credentials than Bobby..Bobby hasn't had an album since when, the 80's?????

You are entitled to your opinion about the show (I personally found it entertaining, although this may have taken the last ounce of dignity and grace from Whitney, but who knows???), but do not dog Whitney like she has no talent whatsoever. Because you my friend, are sooo wrong!!



Hey xamp, you hypocrite... what happened to "if you don't have anything nice to day, don't say anything at all"?
Does that only apply to people that have unkind things to say about YOU?

And you said "proberly" again.

"I still call you often just to hear you breathe..."



Bottom line agnes likessss 316, is that you proberly have a similar life style as they do. Which thank God I do not have.

If you think that Bobby sitting on a toliet bowl taking a crap in front of Whitney (which I eye witnessed tonight 12-21-06 around 8 to 9 o'clock pm) is good tv then I suggest you bring a television into your local rest area, sit on one of the bowls and have your dinner at the same time. Because that's what Bobby is saying to all of the United States of America with that statement. He is harming the way we viewers watch tv. He is bringing it to a leval of which children should not be viewing, nor some adults.

I suggest you try to remember the days of where there was such a thing as called respect.

Unless you feel as though your not worthy of it!!!! And you'd rather join the crowd.


You said "proberly" AGAIN!!!

"I still call you often just to hear you breathe..."


OK....I can take a hint....don't have to hit me twice to get the point

How are you spelling proberly? Please advise....Thanks, Mario


Well, if you actually think it is spelled "proberly", then chances are you're mispronouncing it when you say it as well.
The word you are looking for is PROBABLY. P-R-O-B-A-B-L-Y
pronounced "prah" (like bra, but with a 'p' sound instead of a 'b')
"bub" (as in 'hey bub, got a light?')
"lee" (like the jeans)
Sorry to come down on you so hard, but when you obviously consider yourself to be some sort of film/ television critic... don't you think you should at least have a rudimentary (that means 'basic') grasp of the English language?

"I still call you often just to hear you breathe..."


Yes christopher-wilkes

You have taught me very well

I wish that I had more teachers as firm and demanding like you when I was attending High School many years ago. Who knows....I might just of been a wiz at spelling by now.

Or at least "probably" so

Thanks, Mario



My Dear agnes likessss 316,

When I voice my "small" and "probably not even listened to opinion" on IMDb, it is done with very carefull thinking before I ever type a key. I understand that this is a world that is packed full of every possiable view point, statements, opinions, rights, interests and most of all a need for a better and brighter tomorrow. One where we as a society can all live in harmony. Television brings us all a lot closer to this by giving us all the oppertunity to see and hear other lifestyles and opinions.

Prehaps you'll have to forgive me.
Yes forgive me.
I was educated with catholic nuns and priest as a child.
When we did anything out of the norm we were dispilined and punished.
And I thank God for it.

This teaching has helped me to be able to accept the worlds faults as it is now.
I must constintely bit my tongue to keep my opinions to myself.

BUT...........when public/television gets as low as it was on television the other nite on Being Bobby Brown then I can't hide my voice any longer.

Being Bobby Brown is not healthy television viewing
It takes the very premise to which we live by todays standards and brings it to to pits of hell.
It is nothing more then a program which sticks a finger up ones a**
My son was watching that trash with me the other nite and he pointed out the toliet bowl scene to me and he started to laugh.
Well if you think for a minute that I'm going to let my child watch that filthy performance on tv then your sick like the rest of them

I'm not saying that the whole world should only watch "The Wizard of Oz" but give me a break, enough is enough..

Trash is trash
Filth is filth
And anything like this show which degrades humans to a lower life leval needs to be taken off the air.

I would hate to see the day that this type of programing is the norm

And I also pray for there children, based upon what I've seen in that one show, those poor poor children are headed for a sorryfull furture. Any child that walks around with 100's and 100's of dollars in there pockets is not a good example of raising a children. From what I saw they were undisaplined, rude, wild, demanding, and in some scenes hostile and out of control. Not a good example for other children to watch.

P.S. If I made a mistake or two in my spelling, forgive me. Spelling was not my best subject in school.

Thanks for hearing me out
Since there's no Nazi or Hitler around any more these days
I think I too am alowed my voice and opinion

That is unless your the Hitler in charge of what can and can't be voiced as a opinion


No one suggested that you SHOULD watch this show with your child.
In fact, just the opposite.
This is a show for adults, made for adults... not children.
Should everything on television be appropriate for all ages groups?
You need to have better understanding of what is going to be on your living room television set before you sit down with your child.
So, if your kid saw Bobby Brown taking a crap, it is entirely your fault.

"I still call you often just to hear you breathe..."


Oh, I agree
And like I said in my previous post, it will never happen again (If I'm able to control it)

I just think and feel that it's a shame and a pity that:

1- I have to stand by the television when he's watching it.
This type of "ADULT" programming should be on a "PAY PER VIEW" channel, so
that I as a parent have control on our television set in the house. And
then I could put that particular show on parental control not to be played
in our home.

2-What really bothers me is the fact that it's all ready being showned on
prime time. This tells me that the executives in the decision making area
feel It's perfectely acceptable programing for that time slot.

3-And what really makes me Irate is that, I am sure that this program was very
carefully thought over, tested, marketed, analized and developed to be a
"PROBABLE VIEWERS CHOICE" and as such they didn't really think about the
harm such a program can cause, but only "POSSIABLE PROFITS" and why you ask
yourself....I'll tell you!!!!There's a need for this type of sick
programming where by those types of people can identify with that which
there looking at. So whats happening here is that we are showing crap and
trash to people and then reinforcing to them that this is perfectely
acceptable behavior. And to jump all the way to the end result.......
crime, prostutation, drugs, killings and eventually "HOPELESSNESS".
And that will be the end result, because It's at that point to which
there is no return. We would of put ourselves so deep into the pit of hell
that we will be at the mercy of some other form of being.

4-I could only hope that prehaps other viewers of television who become
aware of IMDb and do a search of Being Bobby Brown, read my post on the
subject matter along with the other post on same subject and then come to
there own decision as to what they choose to do. Of course, I hope that
my words are clear enough to bring them to seeing it my way. And like
most things in my life, that's the best I can do.



Wow you really though hard about this and put alot of thought into it. HMmm too bad I barely got past the first sentence.


Looking at all of your past posts (the type of shows that your interested in)

It's no wonder your not interested in my point of views/opinions/facts

Continue to live in your own dark world with blinders over your eyes


So what about my past shows. I like what I like. There is nothing else on these boards interesting to talk about. I'm not interested in what your point of view because it's dumb. It's sad that you would waste your time to come on here just to write some big ass chapter book like someone is actually gonna read it. The show is what it is so get over it. I am not against people expressing their opinions on message boards..good or bad..that's what MB are for and that's my opinion on your boring ass long story. It's so sad that you had to try to crack, and I use that term loosely, on the shows that I chose to comment on here. None of these shows actually mean *beep* to me really the shows I would like to really comment on no one goes on those boards. Actually I don't even know why I am explaining myself to you. It is what it is get over it.

