This Movie Was So Good.

The Thing About My Folks was so good. I was at the movies. We walked into this theatre not even knowing what the movie was called. There were about 60 eldery people, my and my parents, and one boy about 10 yrs old. I was like 'whoa' when I realized this. The movie started and the picture was fuzzy and shaky. I was thinking "oh no." The movie got going and it was soo funny. The story was really good. It was a sweet and pleasant story with a lot of laughs. Just so good.


I came across this one on DVD by accident and loved it. My husband lost interest early on, probably not enough action, but when he wandered back in to the room he was completely taken by the growing father/son understanding and bond. (I had to rewind the thing so he could see what he'd missed). Great for baby boomers (and others). May help us all look at our own fathers or our own parenting in a different light. A really good little movie


I saw this movie on HBO and enjoyed it as well. Very entertaining and realistic with wonderful performances from Peter Falk and Paul Reiser.


i am a daddys girl. we have a close relationship. we do a lot of things together. i am 28 and he is 61. it was a very funny, amusing and you could really relate to this film and the bond between the characters. i found the bar scene very funny. my dad and i have hustled a few people before with our pool skills.
