Jerry Seinfeld

The IMDb site for this movie includes a picture of Jerry Seinfeld, but he's not included in the cast listing.


I'm wondering about that, too.
This movie is listed on his acting credits but w/o a character name.
Did he make a cameo appearance? I only saw the first 15 minutes or so of this movie, although I would have liked to have finished it, but I'm also curious as to what his association with the film is.


ive seen this a million times! he isnt in it. what is going on here????? jdhbahjdgfhsd


Isn't it just that he was a guest at the premiere or something?

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That's probably what it means. If you look at photos from most of the films you will see people who aren't in the movie and it's usually a photo from the premiere.


That's exactly it - he was at the premier. He was not in the movie. If you look at the pictures, they generally tell you where they come from, ie, they'll say they're from the premiere of the film.


Then why is he credited?


i liked the film, what i found weird that during watching the film it kind of reminded me of the seinfeld discussions and humour, and now after the film i tried to check the imdb about it, and i found jerry's picture!!


It's just a photo of him in the premiere. If you didn't see him listed as a cast member or saw that it's not listed on his bio, that should confirm. Good thing too 'cause I never found him funny.
