MovieChat Forums > Qi jian (2005) Discussion > Who is that person in white and has that...

Who is that person in white and has that cool hair-du? SPOILER

Who is that person in white and has that cool hair-du?

is it a she or a he?

i really need to know, cause i dont this person has been casted in IMDB.



I think its a woman actor playing either a sadistic/masacistic man. this charater attempted to molest a dead corpse of a woman (strip it) and the attack on the slave of fire-wind.but could also be a lesbian woman;lady<- symbolizing a younger person mayeb above 18.


i knew it!

i knew it all along! that she was molesting that beatiful dead woman, but i thought how sick it was of her and me. hehehe. plus i like lesbians.

anyways, thanks for that, but who is she?


the characters name is only sed once it is "Kualo"



but i read somewhere she is played by someone, but she is not found anywhere on IMDB.

maybe she is a unknown person or something like that.



that was sooo gay!

they killed her off soooo early!

possibility for her to return?


highly unlikely, but these movies have a mysterious mysticism to them so maybe she will be healed by a with or some person and be more powerful in the sequel if/when the make one. its kinda like in new legend of shaolin. when the dude returns after being killed by jet li



i do hope she comes back. i almost lost interest in the film cause she was killed of sooooo early!

why make a very 'cool' character for the film and not use them at all?

this film had loads of opunutity but they messed it up. pity that films like this cant be re-made or go back shooting them again.

has anyone read the books? maybe they can help answer my question, and that was it very faithful to the novel itself?


um ok then.



yep.she and fire-wind made freaking hellish most memorable characters.


very agreeable.

Kualo should without a doubt come back!


when s/he died, on the closeup of the body, it showed a padlock suggesting that s/he was a slave of some sort. so her return would be a bit unlikely


At first I thought her and YuanYin(the woman of the group)


Her name is Chen Jiajia, and there is practically nothing written about her online.



she looks astonishing!

by the way, the actual film if around 4 hours long! thus, with that cut, she would have more onscreen time!

does anyone know where it can be found or something?


wouldnt i be right?


So, it is a female actress right? she and fire wind were probably the best characters of the film. The seven swordsmen didn't had enough development to really became interesting, aside from Donnie Yen (but mostly for his sword)

She's certainly not attractive like the Korean actress playing the slave of Fire wind(her character actually annoyed me) but she has a very strange charisma.

"I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder."


But that's the point to have villains stand out in the film rather than the protagonists. It's very unusual and in fact very anti-Hollywoodian, most of the western films have villains just one-dimensional and the viewer just doesn't care for the people who are going to die on screen. Here it's different and very smart, the viewer is forced to understand what made these people so bad and how they're going to deal with it. When you think about it then it's quite clear that from the start that the viewer is not supposed to feel for the characters as much as thinking about them. This is obviously more one man's thinking movie, than another visceral actioner Hollywood is churning out every day.

There's a thin line between love and hate.


anyone have a picture of her in real life. just wondering how she looks.


Molesting the corpse?

Did you guys not have subtitles on or something? Did you not understand the meaning of that scene at all?

I suppose it's possible considering that you're debating whether she's even a woman.


She was a stunt woman on the set. Hark was looking for a feminine guy to play the part and saw her fooling around with the stuntmen and decided she was perfect for the part.
At first she balked because she didn't want to get her head shaved but when they only shaved half of it she thought it was cool.
She was supposed to be a lesbian but in a creepy way.
All from the DVD.


wasn't she checking the corpse for those tags that were stolen
or did i misunderstand the scene?

