Help! need info!

For us poor Americans that didn't get to see it but are fans of Rachel Hurd-Wood (who I think was one of the kidnapped daughters) can any1 give any info of what happened to her and how well (or not well) she acted?

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Yes, she's one of abducted girls. I think her character's name is Imogen? Yes, I think so. Her character is Imogen who beomces - at 13 - the youngest abducted victim. I think she did a good job.

Your other question - "what happened to her", were you asking for information about her character's involvement with the story? If so, I'll post another response to prevent spoiling the story for others.



Rachel- The BBC released the last Sherlock Holmes story- The Hound of the Baskervilles, on DVD shortly after it was shown on TV.If so you'll be able to see it for yourself.

"That still only counts as one!"
