Philip K. Dick

I don't think La Moustache can be fully appreciated unless you are aware of Emmanuel Carrere's background (writer and director). He is a big fan and co-author of a book about Philip K. Dick called, I AM ALIVE AND YOU ARE DEAD: A JOURNEY INTO THE MIND OF PHILIP K. DICK. All of Dick's work concerned the nature of Reality, and the quest for Identity. I guess you could say that this was a writer who promoted a strictly subjective view of the state of being. Nothing makes sense in the Big Picture, and reality is merely Point of View. And, I think these themes are obviously CENTRAL to La Moustache.

Excuse My Dust...


I think this info might give credence to one message board contributor's theory that the movie is about a man moving through parallel realities (without realizing it). Something that happens in a few of PKD's novels.


I really enjoyed Carrerre's book on Dick - he also wrote a great true crime book called The Adversary about a man in France who lived a false life for 18 years until it all came crashing down.


what a coincidence. i just responded to a post on the PKD board concerning who would do a good adaptation of PKD novel. i'd suggested carrere without being aware of dick's influence on him.
