I liked this movie

I just watched it on Netflix.

it's quirky and engaging. I had seen the actor/director
in Citizen Ruth and always assumed he was gay because of
effeminate voice and his mannerisms. I guess I was wrong.
The "climax scenes" were hilarious.

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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ ¸.·´
¸.·´¸.·*`·-» Natalie...


I was awake when it came on TMC at 5:40 am. I decided to watch it for some gratuiiotus skin and to my surprise got caught up in this intriguing, quirky little gem.
It reminds me a lot of Woordy Allen filtered through AMERICAN SPLENDOR.


It's a very funny film.


I loved this movie!

I saw it ONDemand from Comcast.

I am a Sex Addict (2005) - 9/10
Super High Me - 8/10


It IS quirky and engaging yet I can't say I liked it as much as some seem to do.
