wat else is out there?

im dominican and im interested in anything that has to do with the era of trujillo. from wat my family tells me, it was a dangerous time but i wanna know more so i wanna know if there are any more movies out there about it. ive already seen 'in the time of the butterflies' and i thought it was great. anymore sugestions?

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain


Try the following:

El poder del jefe (volumes (I, II, and III)
In the time of the butterflies (not a very good movie, but if you are interested in that time, you will like it, somehow)

Memorias de un cortesano en la era de trujillo (Joaquin Balaguer)
In the time of the butterflies
The brief and wondrous life of Oscar Wao (either spanish or english)
(the book deals with some aspects of the Trujillo era in a very good way)
