Rate R ?

It this movies have a sexuality or nudity/kissed ?

This because,I want buy this DVD and watch with my kids ?



We won't tell you! Watch the damn movie and find out!

"I've got it! Star Mummy!"


No. But It Says The F Word Alot. I Lost Count At 21.

I'm Just A Stupid Little 10 year Old Girl Who Keeps her Hopes Way Too High


ARE YOU WHACKED? You whine, "Musn't let the kiddies see a boob, but loads of gory violence is okay!"

You are a dumbass.

"I've got it! Star Mummy!"


This movie is okay to let ur kidz watch. I was disapointed by seeing that it didnt really show gore. Mostly cut scenes when some of the deaths happend. SEE NO EVIL is a better movie to let ur kids watch. So is the Hills Have Eyes Remake. LMFAO!

*Oh, yes, there will be blood.*
