gay character

I haven't seen this movie but I heard that the movie has a gay male character.

I just want to know on what the gay character is like, does he act like a guy or does he fit into the girly gay guy stereotype??

please answer my question to anyone who has saw the movie


***Possible Spoilers***

He's a fairly straight acting/looking gay guy. He doesn't have a memorable part or large role in the film. His sexuality is really not an issue or a big deal in the film.


that's good because I hate it when tv shows and movies show off the gay stereotype, so I guess I'll be okay about renting it (since it comes out on dvd next Tuesday and I haven't seen it yet)



Um, how do you act stereotypically bi-sexual?

Who says violence is not the answer?



When the heck did they mention Ricky was bi...?

Officially Dyslexic May Since 1994.


After he makes a comment to the two stereotypical stuck up girls, they respond with something about him being gay, and that's pretty much the only mention of it in the movie.


He was Gay (or Bi, it doesent really matter). I really liked how he wasnt played all sterotypical. It was an awesome movie, i loved it.

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