MovieChat Forums > Stromberg (2004) Discussion > Deutsche Version von 'The Office'?

Deutsche Version von 'The Office'?

Hat diese Serie eigentlich etwas mit der US-amerikanischen Serie "The Office" zu tun? Von der Handlung her sind sich die beiden verdammt ähnlich. Ich habe nochmal nachgeschaut, eigentlich kam Stromberg zuerst raus (2004) (The Office in 2005).

Chuck Norris is not only a noun, but a verb.


Die Ur-Fassung stammt aus Gross-Britannien (2001-2003). Mittlerweile gibt's auch eine französische und eine frankokanadische Version davon.


in den writer's credits werden gervais und merchant (die erfinder "the office") auch angegeben, wird also irgendwie lizenzrechtlich sein, ob sie wirklich mitgeschrieben haben, sei mal so dahingestellt. kenne alle erwähnten (uk, us und eben stromberg) und kann sagen, ich finde ALLE extrem gelungenen fernsehspass, eigenständig aufgezogen und mit phantastischer besetzung.

das konzept ist jeweils 1:1 übernommen, die us fassung ist noch enger an der uk version orientiert, stromberg geht ein wenig ab im handlungsstrang und die charaktere sind ambivalenter. wodurch bei den erstgenannten zwei fassungen die identifizierung leichter fällt. ob es weitere (frz, ita, chinesisch, australisch...) adaptionen gibt, weiss ich jetzt auch nicht. könnte man ja 'mal auf imdb nachschauen.

m.e. seit langem die best und konsequenteste (3 staffeln!) deutsche produktion seit...naja....ever.



german-WW-joke. classy.



Yup, that's extremely cheap.


I guess you have be a native or very experienced German speaker to fully appreciate the dialogue that they have created for Stromberg because it is a mixture of everyday language on the one hand and lots of funny expressions that need to be very carefully written on the other hand. In combination with Herbst's and some the other actors' work I really love it. I haven't seen any of the of the "original" shows but I guess you can see it the way it is sometimes done in music when people take older songs and remake them. Some are boring and worse than the original but occasionally a great new version is created. Neither does affect the original.


LOL @ Ricky!

i'm also resident in germany and i'm sick to death of their copying of various formats and selling it as their own. and the people believe it! (should't they?)
what annoys me the most is that if you tell somebody: "do you know that stromberg is a copy of a british show?" many ignore you or disavow the fact.
"Stromberg" is not the first and not the last case in this matter.
4 years ago they tried to copy "Lost" ("Verschollen") and failed big time. also there was a show called "Mein Neuer Freund" (2005), which was a remake of the british "My New Best Friend" (2003). but noone mentioned the remake thing, and so they were very proud in the public of their "product". here's another example: there's a cheap "facebook" copy online called "studivz". they started 2005, when "facebook" (started 2004) already got over 7 mio users. i just saw a tv docu, in which the creators of "studivz" speak about their "success" and say that they have created something "NEW" at the right time and that they are very proud. how audacious is that??


yes it's true, nothing but plagiarism. But Ricky is a twat.


IMHO Stromberg is not a plagiat of "The Office"... the same origin, thats right, and truely the authors of Stromberg were inspired by The Office, BUT the characters of Bernd Stromberg and David Brent are very different. As well, the supporting characters are different.

Summary: inspired yes - plagiat no!

Nothing is paticularily hard if you divide
it into small jobs (Henry Ford)


I'm really not a fan of german television, for the most parts german tv sucks ass. I was always a fan of US series, among my favorites are Arrested Development, Eastbound & Down, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, Curb your Enthusiasm, Sons of Anarchy and Dexter.

I've seen "The Office" before "Stromberg" came out and I really liked it, but I have to say that for my taste "Stromberg" is the best compared to the UK and US versions. Can't say that about any other german spin-offs of US&UK series.
