Favorite dialogue

Wife to Husband on phone: "Our daughter's been shot!"

Husband: "What, with a gun?!"


I agree, that was hilarious.


LOL. That was the best line. I don't know who wrote this thing, but wow...it's amazing they have a job at all.


Wife to Husband on phone: Our daughter's been shot!"

Husband: "What, with a knife?"


Or.. just to throw the audience a curve -

Husband: "What? Not again!"


the weatherman about the power of the storm: Hiroshima + Nagasaki x50
if it is that powerful, not only the city has a problem the entire state would be wiped out :P


Actually, I would have reacted the same way. He's in the middle of a major meteorological crisis and his wife just called to say his daughter's been shot. It's incredulous. "With a gun?" is a shorter way of asking "Could you repeat that because I can't believe I just heard you right?"

I also can't believe I just defended a line in this movie.

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"From now on, if a dog farts in Duluth, I want to know about it!" (Brian Dennehy somehow manages to deliver this straight-faced.)




I was just starting to doze off when I heard that line. I found myself waking up and replying for her, "No - with a can opener you cheating idiot!"


My favorite dialogue was:

"Congratulations. You've just uncovered the biggest energy scandal since Enron."


How about the Air Force pilot when he says about the tornado and hurricane colliding over Chicago: "Either one will be destructive, together they will be deadly." I mean... the tornadoes had already wiped out St. Louis and other places. It was already deadly.

Or, when one of the AF pilots repeats what he said maybe 15 minutes earlier: "Off the charts!!" It was unoriginal the first time, wicked offensive the second.

Go within, or go without.
