What a cast!

Alan Cummings, Ned Beatty, Lois Smith and John Heard? And on a budget of $1m. This should be one of the best small budget films in a long time!

Oh, the cleverness of me.


Don't forget about Patrick Coyle! A great actor who also happens to be my brother-in-law ;-)


the budget was actually two million.


Um... no, it was one million.


i don't know how you think you know that but two million is what i was told.


Uh... I was in the movie. That's how I know. It was filmed in Montevideo (MN), and I live there. I was in the movie for 10 days. That's how I know.


Ali Selim must have been confused then when he spoke about this project that he has worked on for over a decade. After doing all of the fund raising himself, you’d think he’d know something like that. Sounds like you should have directed it, since you know more than he does after only 10 days.

By the way, words like "Uh..." and "Um..." are not intelligent ways to begin a sentence.


Actually, ethdoggle was correct in saying that the film had an approximate $1 million budget. I have connections with people involved in the movie, besides many websites backing me up. Check out a few if you still don't believe us;

http://www.montenews.com/main.asp?Search=1&ArticleID=667&SectionID=8&Sub SectionID=&S=1



There was no need to get all snobbish about grammar issues. I'm sure you've made a few grammatical errors in your life, too.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Why are you two arguing with him/her? It's not like the three of us were in the movie. Anti_cof didn't go to the Twin Cities and help Ali edit the movie. It's not like we have copies of the script . Heck, these boldfont headings aren't implying sarcasm . The movie funding was most definately more than 1 million. If you know what i mean.


Attention: no turbans for Miss Talbert!


"By the way, words like "Uh..." and "Um..." are not intelligent ways to begin a sentence. "

Were you born that prickish or did you have to work really hard at it?

