MovieChat Forums > Trust the Man (2006) Discussion > Dancing scenes in American movies

Dancing scenes in American movies

I have never understood why almost any dancing scene from a nightclub in an American movie ends up with some guy doing the "cossack dance" or something equally stupid in the middle of a big circle of people.

Billy Crudup does it in this movie, and despite looking painfully lame, still ends up with an offer from a super-hottie afterwards. Realistic movie indeed.

The worst consequence of this ridiculous trend is that white American tourists at nightclubs in Europe always end up doing something similar when drunk enough to venture near the dance floor.

Hollywood producers: Please, stop!


This just in from the AP wire - white men can't dance. And especially white jewish men.


I'm married to a Jewish man who can dance very well


>>"The worst consequence of this ridiculous trend is that white American tourists at nightclubs in Europe always end up doing something similar when drunk enough to venture near the dance floor. "

Um, perhaps you have that backwards....

"White American men" are not influenced by "chick flicks", we are too busy thinking about the possibility of getting some action from the date we are who we brought to this chick flick in the first place...we would never watch this crap on our own and we are certainly not paying attention to it..

I have a counter comment.. why is that nearly every movie comment section has at least one Anti American comment be it soft, like yours, or outright hostile like most others? Curious.



I didn't say it was threatening.
Where did I say that? Where did I imply I had no tolerance of someone elses views?

Very typical response though, congrats on being predictable.

The problem today is people like you who are knee jerk reactionaries.
You are looking for confrontations, and making them up when you don't find them. You see things black and white while railing against others who you percieve of doing the very same thing. You rush to label people who you believe are labeling others. You have become what you are so intolerant of! (Ironic eh?)

I guess opinion is only good if you agree with it? Only worth defending if you agree? Even If I WERE a bigiot, wouldn't your beliefs force you to defend my right to express a bigoted view?

>>"One of the things that makes me proud to be an American is our tolerance for speech that does not agree with our own point of view"

But yet, you chose to speak out against my opinion (the one you assumed for me)

For the record...
Asking why it seems there are so many anti-American comments is not "intolerant" of other peoples views.

I suggest you take off the colored glasses you're wearing. You probably read too many blogs.



nice gloss over of my response to you originally.

Granted, "anti" was not the right word in this case, still doesn't excuse your assumptions from your first response to me.



My reply was NOT defensive, it was a question.. again, you read way to much in a simple sentance.

>>"I have a counter comment.. why is that nearly every movie comment section has at least one Anti American comment be it soft, like yours, or outright hostile like most others? Curious. "

That was all I said...One simple comment and you got all that out of it... that is what is so sad, I didn't "defend" anything..

You saw "anti" something and rushed to judge. I even said "soft", which it is.. the comment was about Americans and it wasn't positive. I am genuinely curious as to why there are so many "anti" American comments.

ANTI = not in favor of
ANTI does NOT equal "I Hate you" and I wasn't assuming that.. it means, "not in favor of"

The original poster was ANTI "American white boys can't dance", he wasn't in favor of them and made a point to call it out.. that is "ANTI".

But that wasn't all, the original poster was hinting at something more than a lack of coordination, if he had just said caucasion, it would have been fine... but he didn't, he specifically said "American". (we all know the Brit and German boys are worse at dancing than Americans and the jury is still out on the French.

Me,.. I get annoyed everytime "Americans' are lumped into any group because it shows the commenter is ignorant of our incredible diverse culture and lumps us all together.. and that my friend is one sign of intolerance and it is rampant on IMDB in case you didn't notice.

You took it wayyyyyy too far in assuming I was going ape on his ass for saying anything "Anti" American, which wasn't the case.

It also seems like "tolerant" is now used for anything these days, a different opinion is now "intolerant" ,.. congrats! welcome to the PC hell of the 21st Century.



I am sorry if my initial post was considered anti-American, that was not the intention. I am half-US, half-Norwegian (living in Scandinavia). And trust me, nothing bothers me more than the blind anti-Americanism you see a lot of over here.

I suppose my comment was rather "constructive criticism" proposing this:

a) to make more natural dancing scenes in movies, like the ones you see at most okay night clubs anywhere around the world. This is very easy. Just watch "Studio 54" or "Lost in translation".

b) American guys visiting night clubs in Europe would have a much higher chance of success with our girls over here if they avoided the "cossack dance". I don't think that has anything to do with "anti-Americanism".


ANYWAYS...... back the original topic....just like I don't believe everything that I see in movies, either should you. I hardly think that you have seen white, American men dancing like that in a European bar/nightclub... I think you are confusing movies with real life sweetheart. And no, this isn't an 'America v. the rest of the world post', this is a 'no man in his right mind would do that and then expect to walk out with a hot girl at the end of the night' post.





Verrrry awkward.... I'll just be deleting that post....



I am American and I did that dance in some horrendous night club in Germany. And I did get laid by the most beautiful young German lady in the club. The truth hurts.

An interesting side bar to this event is that afterwards, her fiance attacked me after I dropped her off at her place. He became an arrogant beligerant complaining about Americans and how he would kick my ass (never even getting angry at his girlfriends role in the whole shebang). Why is it that all white German men have an undeserved sense of accomplishment? I cracked his jaw down the middle and he will not eat right for the rest of his life.



when I was in Ibiza was so easy to spot the American men... always dressed in khakis and the worst dancers... The reason that American white males cannot dance is that most lean their musical tastes towards rock/country.... Brits embrace dance music as not relating to a race issue.. that's why there are so many more soulful white singers in the UK... they aren't afraid of the dark...


how did this topic get so hostile???

anyway, i think some people are a little confused.

just to answer the very first post:

Toby is obviously not a good dancer. That's why he says dancing is not his thing when asked to dance by the hot girl. She seemed kinda let down or disappointed by him not dancing, so he just decides what the hell. He dances, and makes a fool of himself. The people are gathered around him because its funny to watch. Nobody thinks he is a good dancer, but they are just having a good time watching toby. The hot girl obviously wanted something to start with or she wouldn't have invited him to the club or invited him to dance.

It's not the dancing that she liked, its the fact that toby made a fool of himself just so that they can have a good time, although he knows himself that he is not a good dancer. That made her and everybody else laugh, and everyone wins. You don't have to be a good dancer to have a good time.

So to presume that she is all over him and the people are gathered around because they are all impressed with him... is very out of context...

and yes, people do this dance all the time. And yes it looks stupid when they do it on dance floors... but that's the point. Toby looked stupid when he did it, but it was funny, and that's why people were cheering him on and giving him props for it.


Chris184. Finally a comment with some sense in it. I agree with you. The girl got exactly what she wanted. A handsome man who amused her.

Guys - nearly no men dance well enough that dancing alone would sweep a woman off her feet. A man that makes you smile on the other hand - that's an entirely other story.


"The worst consequence of this ridiculous trend is that white American tourists at nightclubs in Europe ALWAYS end up doing something similar when drunk enough to venture near the dance floor."

Ok now if that isn't the biggest generalization i've heard in a while than i don't know what is. Not only have i never, or ever even seen anyone do a dance move similar to that in real life, would i ever believe that it ALWAYS ends up happening every time a white american tourist goes to one of your Euro night clubs. haha what a joke.


I am European and you know I have never ever in my entire life seen an American tourist dance like that or like anything closely related to those dance steps in any place what so ever. Never. :-)


"The worst consequence of this ridiculous trend is that white American tourists at nightclubs in Europe always end up doing something similar when drunk enough to venture near the dance floor."

We're just showing to the world what we're made of.
