This was a good film

People on here are slating the film and i can only assume that they were dissapointed because it wasn't a rheese weatherspoon type romcom with cute music and cute characters and lots of fake expectations of romance.

ALl the actors are very good, the script is almost excellent. It is a very modern story about the insecurities of men and woman in a world where noone really grows up and takes responsibility for anything, a world where people want to escape even though what they have already got is great.

It wasn't a woody allen film and nowhere near the kind of discusssion something like Husbands and Wives or even Mighty Aphrodite evokes, but a reasonably thoughtful film all the same. It's central characters are all fairly shallow, which makes the film anything BUT shallow. The romcoms with simple singular-stranded plot lines and oneliners that change a 'no' to a 'yes' in seconds to give us all a happy resolution - these are SHALLOW films with 'deep' characters. I know which film i'd prefer to spend time watching.

Even the last scene, which IS way over the top, works because it is a real resolution, while in keeping with the usual happy ending that one would expect.

i give it 7 out of 10.

And Billy Crudup is great as usual, as is Duchovny.

