Shetland's quote

Hope I spelled the name right =/

Anyone think that maybe there should be a reference in future SC games to when Shetland said "Fisher, America's dying" (Or something like that, it's not exact)?

I mean after all Fisher went through and the crap he took from the government, do you think he feels that America is dying?

P.S: I think if they do make a SC movie they should start with this one. Maybe have the first 10-20 minutes going through the assasination of Masse and showing the effects of the Kernels. Then they should show Fisher getting a little irked with the government and feel disatisfaction with it. Finally the mexican standoff contrasts Shetland's extremism who wants to start over America, whereas Fisher wants to better it.


Wow this is what I have been thinking lately. I had really time to play Double Agent.
