Rain of Lawsuits

I liked the movie considerably and I think I totally got it. I just wanted to point out, although this is fiction story, that such a method used in the USA or territories would bring quite e few different lawsuits from the participants such as age and gender discrimination and probably sexual harrassment.


It wasn't for a job.


They were all competing for a job. Why do people deny this?

The company commited no crimes against any of the participants. The participants, due to the competitive situation in which they were placed, committed acts of discrimination and harrasment on each other. That's the point the movie is trying to make. Selfishness and greed beats altruism and empathy, to the detrement of mankind. Brilliant movie.


actually, no. the whole point of the last form is to sign a consent for the use of the "gronholm method" and the purpose is to prevent lawsuits of the type you listed.


As Ricardo says some minutes before the end, there is no Gronholm method. They made it up.
