Best ever?

I think this could possibly be one of the best video games ever. Has anybody else played it?


i have played it, and halo 2 is better. though not by much. james carrey is so much funnier than his brother drew carrey!




My friends say that Samurai Jack is also a sweet game. I used to trust their advice until they kicked me out of their dungeons and dragons group - I then realized that they had bad taste!


my favourat levels in Lemoney snicket are the sunny levels. she's sliding and biting all the time and so fun to play!

..and on another note (oddly enough) after jim's falling out with his late father he's STILL heavily invested in his restaurant 'harry carrey' in chicago... strange, no?


Wasn't Jim Carrey great in last year's movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Jim Carrey must like sunny things like you drocbow - like eggs
sunny-side-up at his dad's restaurant Harrey Carrey (which I used to really like until I got food poisoning there).
As to this game, I think it would have been awesome if they included the characters from the old Nintendo game Trojan. That video game had awesome graphics.




Klaus has just left Sunny and Violet in the library and gone on to a bit with elevators and bubble gum lol....trouble is I can't do anything else!! I pressed a button behind a pic and a door opened above my head...but theres no accident I walked into the wall and Klaus began to climb up an 'invisable' ladder! But when i get to the top i cant climb off it...I'm so confussed....Is my game just bugged??



I'm struggling with the same part. does anyone have an advice on how to beat this part or if hearts are avaliable somehow?


Yeah it's a great game....but I'm stack at....
The part where you're in Justice Strauss' library...and you're collecting the things for Violet's invention. I've got the gaver, the spring and the scale. Can anyone tell me where the last item is??




i'm stuck in the gardan maze level.its so hard!! but a lot of fun too. my brother stole his friends xbox (along with some cash, jewelry and things) just to play his copy of the game in his room and skip school!! he's so funny.

has anyone defeted the white face women?


The white face women are the eastist. I got through that level in lickit split! lol

"Im sorry, I dont speak monkey...Ba-na-na!"-Count Olaf


i have it and im not stuck but im at the part were u have to chase stephanolaf

i saw a movie yesterday... a horse died... muhammed died...


<<Im stuck at the part where U have to cook dinner for Olaf and Klaus has to clear the rats. I just keep dying there are too many of them. Any help on how to defeat them? >>

You just jump over them. If you keep killing them, they will just keep coming. They are 'endless rats' I guess


I really like this game, it's challenging and it has awsome graphics. Believe it or not, I actually finished the game within a week when I got it {which was X-mas}. Anyways... with the rats just hit the ones that are closer to you {you know they light up with the green circle things} and keep running until you reach the platform in the room. That's what I did... hope it helps!




I can definitely tell that a lot of people in this thread don't play video games.


Harry potter game all the way


Soul Calibur 2, legend of Zelda: ocarina of time & Final fantasy 8 are the best games I ever played


There O.k. I like super smash bros mele. I have everyone exsept for Mr. game and watch. Can anyone tell me how to get him?

