Trunk Scene?

What is with this trunk scene I keep reading about? What I read about it doesn't go into much detail just that it is/was a very controversial scene. Help!! What exactly happened in that trunk? And why are the sex scene demmed controversial as well in some reviews?

Eat the damn cake Anna Mae!!


The trunk scene is what led the actress to suicide imo. It's pure disgusting... the guy pisses and defacates, and gives the chick a "live abortion"... blood, guts and all. Truly sickening.



it's based on a true story...


WHAT? Have you seen the film? She mentions that he's pisses and defecated, but you don't SEE it. And she begins to miscarry. He doesn't do it. Watch the film again or for the FIRST time. Don't spread BS here.


agree with julien.
