MovieChat Forums > Grizzly Man (2005) Discussion > Unintentionally funny moments

Unintentionally funny moments

I love this movie. Name moments in the movie that had you cracking up but probably weren't meant to. Anybody offended need not comment. I have so many but I'll only write one.

When he's discovered the little fox and he shoos the fly away and says "Not when I'm around!"

Great stuff.


The part that summed up the complete melodramaic farce of this film was when Herzog is listening to the audio tape and says, in a distressed tone, "turn eet ooff pleese it is tooo muuch." The 'widow' (i loved that too!) takes an age to turn the bloody thing off, and I'm just thinking, Werner take the headphones off your head, you twat!


I'm just thinking, Werner take the headphones off your head, you twat!


I seriously doubt there was any anudio playing in the headphones at that time. The whole thing was so pathetically staged.


The part that summed up the complete melodramaic farce of this film was when Herzog is listening to the audio tape and says, in a distressed tone, "turn eet ooff pleese it is tooo muuch." The 'widow' (i loved that too!) takes an age to turn the bloody thing off, and I'm just thinking, Werner take the headphones off your head, you twat!


The part that summed up the complete melodramaic farce of this film was when Herzog is listening to the audio tape and says, in a distressed tone, "turn eet ooff pleese it is tooo muuch." widow' (i loved that too!) takes an age to turn the bloody thing off, and I'm just thinking, Werner take the headphones off your head, you twat!

For me it was the 'actor/close friend' who completely memorized his speech on Timothy

He said.. Come wander with me love.


Oh, man. I saw this movie last night and sadly, it was hysterical at times.

There are a few moments that still make me laugh outloud thinking of them.

(1) When the young dead fox is discovered and he gets mad at the fly that lands on the fox. "Show some respect. Not while I'm around..." Then he shews it away. lol

(2) When he literally touches fresh bear crap and remarks how warm it still is.

(3) How emotional he gets over what he thinks is a dead bee on a flower.

(4) How his actor friend literally goes on and on about how perfect his hair always was despite his receding hair line.

(5) In one scene he has a perfectly terrible bowl hair cut.

***(6) The look on the coroners face after describing the audio/body parts. Why did the camera keep going after he was done talking anyway? That dude really freaked me out with his facial expressions.


the song the pilot starts to sing, and when the bear pooped while fighting, what a dirty trick


Great thread! I already said this on another thread but wanted to add to this one. One of the greatest moments was when H says to J: Do you think of yourself as his widow? First she looks at him like he's nuts, two seconds go by and she changes her mind says, Yes, yes I do.

Also when H says the tape is like a white elephant in the room.

And for some reason the not-intimate friend who says "Good-bye my love" as she spreads his ashes and bear fur to the wind made me cringe with pain. Not sorrow.


I loved when Timothy is filming Amy getting off the plane and the pilot raises up his hands and yells " greetings children of America!"


"...must must must become a samurai!"

"You will DIE out will DIE!"


how about Herzog's "I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder."

i was hoping he'd add "now is the time on sprockets were we dance"


Timothy's change of pace from sadly thankful(You animals gave me a life) to the host of children's nature hour:

"Now let the expedition continue.
It's off to Timmy, the fox.
We've gotta find Banjo.
He's missing!"



Loved it!


"You're such a little champion!"
to the fox

There was some woman who kind of mockingly called him a Child of the Universe. I almost died. I was thinking it was just like 'Waiting for Guffman' or 'Best in Show'.

When Jewel and the coroner were like sitting awkwardly in silence and then she just started crying. That whole scene was funny, she was totally over the top. And then when it cut to her talking about making soup and being a "soup wench".

Or we have some shepard's pie peppered with actual shepard on top.


The only part I like (in the whole documentary) is when the bears fight each other and one of them takes a dump while wrestling.

I could not stop laughing, but I also understood why it took a dump (out of pain). It still made me laugh for a really long time.



Yes, Tim's rant is an incredible feat of sustained profanity. I once screened the film for a grade 10 English class -- not remembering (!) that scene. I kept waiting for him to wrap it up, but it continued. And continued.


Remember when Jewel talked about how her and Tim first met at the restaurant? Yeah, you do. According to Jewel that night was all about Grandma's and babies, hairdo's and coats. It made me chuckle to no end. Oh and let's not forget about the deliciousnesses coming from the scent of the soup. Dude, if some network decided to give Jewel her own show, I would soooo watch it, hehehe.


"He's a big bear...he's a BIG BEAR."
I purposely try to find ways to work that into everyday conversation.

"Say hello to my little friend"



He tested with the other actors to get the bartending job on 'Cheers'..
and allegedly he came in second to Woody Harekleson.
How close a second, I don't know...

(and here's the sinker)...

But THAT is what really destroyed him.
That he did not get that job on Cheers.

I think Woody Herrelson should play Timothy in his bio-pic...

No, no. I kill the BUS driver...


I think the movie is very much intentionally amusing. Herzog knows what he's doing.

I think a great example of this is his narration. One scene that stood out to me was during Timothy's park service rant, the audio is silenced and then you can hear Herzog's calm, smooth narration over-the-top of Tredwell spazzing out and yelling to the camera. I can just imagine Herzog slyly constructing that scene with a wide smirk.

But at some of the parts, I was sort of conflicted on whether or not it was supposed to be funny or tragic. Sometimes, I think Herzog purposefully constructed the film to be a sort of black comedy. The weird characters (the Coroner, the pilot, Tredwell's 'platonic' friend) and Tredwell himself- it just seems half comedy/half tragedy.

N~M~N #291
I~E #47


Well I'm not reading 9 pages of posts so forgive me if these have already been mentioned -

"This bumble bee... it died going about it's business on this Canadian Fire Flower. It just died. Oh man. I love you bumble bee." *Shot of bee in different position* "er...It must have been sleeping".

"Not getting the part of the barman in Cheers is what destroyed him". LMFAO!!!

Any scene featuring the coroner - that dude was like something out of Frankenstein.

"See, the problem I'm having is I've lost my stash and you're talking about elephants"


Grizzly man - A flamboyant suicidal failed actor ex-addict who spends the last 13 years of his life playing out a growing childhood fantasy where he substitutes his homosexual urges for the desire to become a bear- culminating in his and 'girlfriends' tragic death at the claws of a nasty old bear.

It still amazes me how Herzog can capture what appears to be raw human emotion and slowly tease out of it complete absurdity, time after time.



I think Woody Herrelson should play Timothy in his bio-pic...
Only if he has enough hair left to conceal a receding hairline ...
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer


Um, no. Andy Dick must play Timothy in his biopic!


Spike Jonze


-when he is hiding from the supposed "evil poachers", like nobody sees him, only he is 10 ft. away from them and its totally clear they are watching him.

-When he finds a smiley in a stone and says that is a disturbing "death threat", I thought that maybe was him who painted it.


"There was some woman who kind of mockingly called him a Child of the Universe. I almost died. I was thinking it was just like 'Waiting for Guffman' or 'Best in Show'."

I was going to list this part as containing my favourite line of the film. It wasn't a woman, though, it was the creepy-looking helicopter pilot with the dark glasses and moustache that covered his entire mouth.

The line is something akin to; "he thought they were going to bond as children of the universe or some odd."

That guy is definately my favourite character in this movie.
