This makes no sense

When Paula is talking to Kit in the scene where we first meet Kit, she says something about "I met a great guy today." Yet really, especially at this point, this great guy was just a client, and Kit knows what Paula does for a living.

Why would she say that?

FYC: Little Miss Sunshine


I think she was just trying to be funny. Because ,like you said, Kit knows what she does for a living, so it seems like she was just kidding, because that's what girls usually do when they meet a guy they tell their friends.

When Chuck Norris jumps into the water he doesn't get wet, the water gets Chuck Norrised.


I don't know. It confused me too. This movie was so inconsistent. I felt like there were gaping holes left at the end and that it just didn't make much sense.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


Here's what also makes no sense in this movie:

hiring a woman to date your son so he moves out of the house.


Especially since to me the guy seemed like a total jerk. But I guess tastes are different...

Aspire to climb as high as you can dream


That whole idea of SJP being an "interventionist" and still at the same time "a good likeable person" is just completely nonsensical.


I think they were just having a bit of 'banter' - because Kit then said she met a guy that day, her radiologist, going to give her a full body scan etc etc... they were just kidding around... that's how I took it anyway... kind of sarcastic?
