2 Complaints...

*A female correctional officer would not be permitted to be in the showers watching over the male inmates for obvious reasons. Could you see a male C.O. in the showers watching over female inmates?

*I find it highly unlikely that an attractive, married woman would dress the way that prison counselor did around male inmates.(or if it would even be allowed)


You're wrong about the 2nd point, but the first one you're absolutely right.


My concern was she was dressed like that and in a closed room alone with an inmate.

Darwin, Baby, Darwin!! -- Stanley (The Office)


Actually, I've worked in a jail before, not a prison but the county lockup and they absolutely had female C.Os monitoring the male inmates when they showered. It is hard to believe but it is done. I saw this with my own two eyes (not the naked inmates themselves but the female C.O standing guard). Don't ask me how or why because I was just as shocked as you may be but the guards seemed to not mind and neither did the inmates.

Don't Worry Be Happy.


Well, if you say so..., however, I also found it absurd. Why not allow then male C.Os. to female jails/prisons, especially to stay guard in the showers? Or do they?
