the video camera

wasnt the little boy filming with his video camera when he got shot? could they not have looked at the tape? I mean this was in 2004 and I do think they could have salvaged the tape or done ballistics on the bullet to see who shot the kid.


this movie is overall way too retarded to ask logical questions like that..


ffs bad movie + verry worst acting.


i've seen some shytty jail movies in my time, but this one by far tops it #1 on the diarreah list


i disagree completely, the movie is good,actually i dont see way all the hate


There's no hate. If you can't see how bad the acting is, how weak the story is, and how bad the directing is, then you need to learn a bit more about what makes a movie good.
They could have picked a better acting cast off most street corners. Maybe they went to the wrong street corner. :/
