MovieChat Forums > Dirty War (2005) Discussion > Hidden agenda of the film...

Hidden agenda of the film...


did anyone notice that this film - despite its tragic reality that an attack did occur in London - has a very spooky feel of the 1950's communist propaganda films that American made. I had to watch one for a university unit that i studied and the same themes were established but instead of Russia bombing America its now terrorists bombing London. Should we be worried that an American film company (HBO) sponsered this? Or should we be worried that these sorts of films are being made which increases the psychological fear of terrorism into the viewers?


Actually the bigest thing that inspires fear in me is what comes out of the mouth of religious fanatics themselves. Christians, and Jews only spend one day a week being brainwashed, so although wrong about believeing in the invisible man (AKA: god) they are mostly non-violent. But Muslims spend average of five times a day being fed the same crap, hence the brain washing is more effective. But listen to what the muslins in the UK, US, Europe, and the Middle East say that they want to do to non Muslims, they don't even try to deney that they want to kill all non believers. What the islamic world needs is separtation of church and state. What everyreligion needs is to stop filling their heads with beliefs that people who have been dead for thousands of years still control everything that they do. I think it should be mandatory for all civilised governments to put books like the Tora, Bible, and Koran in the fiction section where they belong. But in short, I would not be afraid of religious fanatics as much if they didn't go into the streets of London, and say that they wanted to overthrow the British Government, or go out in protest in New York and say that they wanted the schools in Muslim neighborhoods to adopt Sharia law.

*Forever Cho Chang Fan*
Cho's story continues at:


Religions don't kill people
It the politics behind every religion that makes people kill

Before the 19th century Jews and Muslims didn't have much bad blood, the talk of antisemitism is mainly a european product, that kind of racism was very rare in the middle east.

Even without a religion there would still be a lot of people who are very frustrated about how the political situation in the middle east is developing, and they will still see the West, especially the USA as the main enemy, and using violence to fight for what they see as injustice brought upon them.


Religion is just an ethnic factor that is behind conflicts. Ethnic idenitity is the underlying cause behind all conflicts - even terrorism, but it has become so political that nobody see this anymore.

The Middle East crisis is to do with a lot of problems - eg. Land rights in which the Israel and Palestine both view that they should have. the other big land issue is to do with foreign occupation by America - that is one of the biggets reasons that terrorism has increased in the last few years - this has even been proved by new research!


Before the 19th century Jews and Muslims didn't have much bad blood, the talk of antisemitism is mainly a european product, that kind of racism was very rare in the middle east.

This is complete nonsense.

Even without a religion there would still be a lot of people who are very frustrated about how the political situation in the middle east is developing, and they will still see the West, especially the USA as the main enemy, and using violence to fight for what they see as injustice brought upon them.

Yes, thanks to the useful idiots on the left who are filling your head with nonsense and providing talking points for the enemy.




Are you smoking crack?

"Before the 19th century Jews and Muslims didn't have much bad blood, the talk of antisemitism is mainly a european product, that kind of racism was very rare in the middle east."

Perhaps you should spend a few minutes reading the koran. Perhaps look into the battle of Trench. Perhaps look at the fact that of all the agreements that Mohammet made, he kept none.

Perhaps you should look into the meaning of "Taqiyya and Kitman" and while you are at it, why don't you look into the "Pact of Umar" and what it held for the poor Jews under its control. . .

Read "The Myth of Islamic Tolerance, How islamic law treats non-muslims" Edited by Robert Spencer."

The only thing your post belays is one of ignorance of the true nature of Islam and the history thereof.




You should think for yourself instead of swallowing everything they tell you at university, as if your prof's don't have their own biases and agendas. More innocent people were murdered in the 20th century as a result of Communists taking over countries and enslaving their populations than by any other single ideology in human history. "Propaganda?" No. FACT.


"You should think for yourself instead of swallowing everything they tell you at university, as if your prof's don't have their own biases and agendas. More innocent people were murdered in the 20th century as a result of Communists taking over countries and enslaving their populations than by any other single ideology in human history. "Propaganda?" No. FACT."

You're right. Islamic terrorists are therefore excused. Good thinking.


I don't see too many Islamic fundoos or Rabid Communists invading other people's countries. I DO see however the USA and Israel bombing the Middle East to Kingdom Come and dropping bombs with alarming regularity on other countries whose casualities all turn out to be civilians. So WHO is the REAL threat here? And yes, this programme DOES have the stink of red-baiting on it. Be afraid, be VERY afraid ...


Hello, salimy3k.

I agree that Islamic fundamentalists are not currently invading other people's countries. That statement begs the question, does it not? Do they not invade because they have no wish to do so, or do they not invade because they have no realistic ability to do so?

As is the case with you, I have seen that the U.S. is currently fighting/bombing in Iraq ( along with a tiny number of other nations which go about it with no particular aplomb, which is their right.) As I write, Israel has lately been militarily engaged in Lebanon (no need to go into the factions in "Palestine," Syria et al., their history, their internecine hatreds, nor their ultimate goals, if they have ever actually identified them to themselves.) SOOOO boring and SOOO old.

Other than these two cases, who is bombing the entire Middle East to "Kingdom Come?" Which are those other countries on whom anyone is "dropping bombs with alarming regularity?" Whose casualties ALL "turn out to be civilians?" Seriously? The only cases I have ever become aware of, where ALL the casualties turn out to be civilians, are the innumerable cases of terrorism around the world through the last 3 or 4 decades.

Who is the real threat ? I'll plump for Islamists. Islamism, IS, whether or not you recognize it as such, a political movement which hates you and your life and your ability to live relatively freely in a modern world. Yes, they are quite willing to exploit our modern world and all that it has produced, but they are incapable of producing any of our taken-for-granted modernities and live in hateful resentment. Their impotence is a cruel and unmeasurable thorn in their very being.

As Qtub came believe, (in small part, because he couldn't get his hair cut the way he wanted to, in the U.S. of the 50's, so ridiculous was he) modernity is WRONG!. So believe the Islamists.

You, however, retain the ability to believe whatever you choose to about what is actually a threat in our modern world. Is not that the wonderful thing?

What's up with the whole "red-baiting" thing? In viewing this DVD I recollect no meaningful mention of "reds." Did I miss something?


Sorry mate but you're a moron. All these so-called 'islamist menaces' were actually political parties that were covertly supported by the US and funded clandestinely by Israel - for the sole purpose of destabilizing the democratically elected opposition who were socialists. Since the US was allergic to anything remotely resembling communism in the 80s, this was a given. Plus Israel, one of the world's biggest arms suppliers was using right wing militias in Lebanon to test out their hardware.

The US can easily defeat the so-called 'Islamist' menace by propping up a rival political party to them and giving them enough funding to retain power. But since Israel, which is composed primarily of jews who fund BOTH the major political parties in the US needs an excuse to grab more Middle Eastern land, voila! The Islamists are the new enemy.

Heck, you're a hypocrite. You claim that the Islamists hate you because you're 'the civilized world'. Mate, 1. you're not the world and 2. you're not civilized, ok? Umm, no, you're just a technologically advanced bunch of neanderthals with better weapons. The tipping point came in 1998 when you scumbags bombed the infrastructure of the Palestinians while inviting Arafat to the negotiating table, thus forcing him to rush back to the Middle East. I don't know what you call that, but where I come from, we call that 'stabbing a man in the back.' After that, all bets were off. You were just begging to be attacked and Al Qaeda obliged. Boo hoo, now piss off and cry yourself to sleep.

You claim that they're 'jealous' of your technological advancements. BS. Look mate, nobody CARES about your toilet bowl of a country. They're pissed off at you because you use your so-called 'technological advancements' to bomb the *beep* out o them. And then you claim that they're backward - umm, yeah if you bomb them back to the stone age, they're liable to be a little ticked.

If you're sooo technologically advanced, make a new source of fuel so you don't have to make excuses to invade the ME. What? Not so smart now, are you? Since you obviously are so stupid you don't read any of the news reports of allied bombings in Afghanistan killing women and children (maybe you're illiterate - or only read the crap you want to read - which is typical for you yanks) I'll smooth it out for you: dismissing land grabs by Israel by saying it's so old and so boring is PATHETIC. Especially when your country is suppling them their armaments.

As far as me having the 'ability to believe whatever you choose to about what is actually a threat in our modern world' well, looks like your kind likes to CENSOR whatever you don't like to see or hear. Especially if it clashes with your version of what the rest of the world likes to call 'the facts'. Keep living in your dram world buddy, when your economy crashes, you won't even have THAT to save yourself.

P.S. 'red-baiting' is a blanket term used to describe propaganda designed to demonize or censor something the establishment does not like to views as a threat. Are you THAT thick?


For the past 35 years, since surrounding Arab nations stopped attacking Israel, she has given land back.

Radical Islam was attacking/raiding everything in its proximity (including American shipping) long before oil was discovered or Israel was founded.

I don’t know what you consider “civilized”, but I consider rule of law, individual rights, democratic institution, etc that led to the USA becoming the wealthiest and most powerful free society on Earth to be about the best example of “civilized”.

Almost all international terrorism today is due to Radical Islam. Ergo, just perhaps, Radical Islam is the problem.

Like it or not, oil is necessary to modern industrial economies. Ergo, the world has a vital interest in stopping your Al Qaeda friends from purifying Saudi Arabia of Western taint.

Perhaps the USA/England should have allowed Iran’s socialists to take over the government and nationalize the British developed oil industry during the Cold War – but that could be a problem given Iran’s long border with the Soviet Union.

Lebanon was a paradise when the Christians were in control.




"I don't see too many Islamic fundoos or Rabid Communists invading other people's countries".

You won't see too many rabid communists invading countries, on account of there not being too many communist regimes left in the world. But they did quite an amount of invading in their heyday.

There may not be any conventional invasions by Muslims, but there is a steady build-up of the faithful going on worldwide, which shows itself every so often in such events as 7/7 in London, or mobs howling for the blood of cartoonists.

The real threat? I keep hearing Dubya Bush is the greatest threat. But as a London-dweller, I'm not afaid of Bush. I'm much more afraid that Tariq down the road will suddenly wake up one day and decide he must slay the local infidels, like me.


All I'm afraid of is idiots like you, coming to our countries and then justifying the actions of these cavemen. Check that, I'm not afraid, cos I know what kind of coward you really are...
From Madrid with love (and those hundreds murdered on the train weren't slaughtered by Americans, you moron)



Hello, deranged.

Just viewed the DVD tonight. I'm puzzled about why you think it is strange that any people in the developed nations have, at least, some low-level fear that Islamist terrorists wish/try/plan to do them harm. Have you forgotten Madrid? Have you forgtten London?

I plead with you to take note that I emphatically DID NOT write "Islamic" terrorists. There is a distinctly notable difference between a person's being Islamic and a person's being ISLAMIST.

It may be time to put your old notions (perhaps) born of the Cold War to bed and begin to recognize the more modern reality that quite a few folks, disenchanted with their lot in life, feeling no respect, often being brainwashed by "radical" imams, decide that sacrificing their lives for "the greater good" that they see, or possibly, just finding that being "cowboys" is way more fun than is actually trying to establish a responsible life, actually exist. If the modern world gets lucky, such people will only be able to do limited damage.

The other side of the coin is that the modern world needs to be vigilant 100% of the time to prevent potentially catastrophic damage. The Islamists only have to get lucky in just the one case to feel that they are "successful." As if a person in the modern world actually achieves "success' by killing poeple.

I am aware of no instance of Russia bombing America, and if you are being taught that at university, I suggest that you might want to question your lecturer regarding the historical record. As is much of the world, I AM aware of Islamist terrorists bombing both Madrid and London, not to mention Bali. And other places.

Which do you find more disturbing ... The idea that many people who do not choose to live in the reality of the modern world (thereby denying reality .. an interesting symptom, in and of itself) believe that their mission, in what remains of their lives is to a) castigate all women eveywhere for dressing "immodestly", and b) kill as many "infidels" as possible? Or is it the the fact that an American film company (HBO) made such a film, which you believe increases the "psychological" fear of terrorism "into the viewers?"

No, I do not live in fear that some Islamist terrorist will be the means to my end. I consider them idiots. I also recognize the sad fact that idiots of any stamp often find the means to harm others in very many ways. This makes them neither better than others nor "Right!!"



I'm not sure that it has similarities to 50s US propaganda, as I have not studied them. But this film does seem to go out of its way to create fear. For instance, the amount of damage and radiation contamination caused by the dirty bomb is completely ridiculous. I quote from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission from this link ( "Most [Dirty Bombs] would not release enough radiation to kill people or cause severe illness - the conventional explosive itself would be more harmful to individuals than the radioactive material."


As a Christian Yemeni Arab living in the UK that grew up along-side these asshats, I'd say that the film is fairly accurate when comes to the total hatred these people feel for you, and I for that matter. It's not a matter of if but when for these tossers. They could easily obtain used centrifuges that are highly radioactive and utilize them in an attack. If it's not a stolen Russia MIRV or LYTNW,it will most certainly be a something along these lines. It's going to happen, nothing can stop it, it's our idea of civilization compared to theirs. And they hate ours... the western world that is.


<<<<<<<<<<<<<did anyone notice that this film - despite its tragic reality that an attack did occur in London - has a very spooky feel of the 1950's communist propaganda films that American made. I had to watch one for a university unit that i studied and the same themes were established but instead of Russia bombing America its now terrorists bombing London. Should we be worried that an American film company (HBO) sponsered this? Or should we be worried that these sorts of films are being made which increases the psychological fear of terrorism into the viewers? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We should be afraid. In fact, if we were rational, we would be scared out of our damned minds. The message of this movie can hardly be repeated enough. The threat is very real. Cross your fingers and hope they do not gain access to ABC weapons.


No. It isn’t propaganda to portray an event that could very easily happen. Moslem extremists have been at war with the world( for some 30 years. People focus on the West because we are self-absorbed. But the reality is that Moslems are in conflicts in almost every region of the world. China, Russia, the US, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Philippines, etc.

People say that US foreign policy is a driver of this radical agenda, but this isn’t the whole truth. These extremists want control. They want control of their women, their land, and their religion. They, like the Nazis, will exploit any issue to advance their agenda. They really could not care less about Palestinians. For starters, a good percent of Palestinians are Christians. Secondly, Palestinians have been treated poorly by other Arabs for centuries. If these people truly cared about Palestinians why isn’t Jordan giving Palestinians a slice of their land? After all, part of historical Palestine can be found in Jordan.

Then there is the reaction of these extremists themselves. They apparently believe that they are the only ones to have suffered from injustice. Such is hardly the case. American Blacks and Natives have suffered far worse, yet I don’t see them launching terrorist attacks. Same for Latin Americans. The IRA kept their operations within their borders. They didn’t make their conflict with England a world wide war like Moslem extremists have.

In sum, there is far more to this issue than US malfeasance. There is something uniquely poisonous and violent about this Islamic extremist. This isn’t the idealism-driven Baader-Meinhof or Weather Underground nor is it the raw hatred of the KKK or Neo-Nazis. It is a suicidal gang bent on using whatever means necessary to achieve their goal. That they are lacking the power to do so is irrelevant. Killing infidels and heretical Moslems is enough.
