Your comment about the female narrator making comments about lack of attention to detail or physical fitness contributing to the candidate's own downfall as showing her lack of understanding for the process was off the mark. You seem not to understand that this female narrator (gender is irrelevant to ability by the way! A male might've been more subject-appropriate but oh well.) didn't WRITE the script for the narration.

Furthermore, it doesn't matter that two hours of pushups preceded this. Other candidates did the same two hours of pushups and succeeded. In combat, you don't get to have a kip with your blankie when your muscles are screaming for a break. You keep going or you die.

Your comments indicate that not only have you no understanding of how television shows are made but also that you don't understand that SEALs are part of the SpecOps community, and it doesn't matter if we are at war or not, they participate in covert operations in countries you don't know exist. While you read this, their is probably a SEAL team (if not, then a SpecOps team for sure) operating, somewhere in the world, and NOT as part of Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom.

Oh, and the narrator may or may not have understood the process, but don't apply that to all women.


I thought the female voice was fine to articulate what was going on. There are enough loud seal instructors bellowing orders throughout the series. The addition of R. Lee Ermy would not add much. Its not nearly as bad as the committee at the national spelling bee.


if R. Lee Ermy was the narrator i would piss my pants laughing, that man is a genius


I agree. I think she did just fine as narrator. Plus, who knows whether she actually got to see all of the film? I wouldn't be too surprised if she was just reading from a script.



Well put. Very well put.
