The kid dying

How was that? it was just full on. I almost had to stop watching after that, it was almost too intense. I mean, she just dies! just like that! pretty, pretty, pretty harsh.


Yeah, I just saw that episode on Foxtel. It's SO sad!


i seriously bawled my eyes out. i'd seen a bit of it last yr on foxtel but it was after lou died and i never knew what happened and i saw it today and just bawled my eyes out in front of the tv. how unfair


I cried too.


I can't believe she just died like that. So sudden!


It was so unexpected.
I couldn't stop crying.
And the actors did an amazing job.


I remember watching it the first time it aired. I had no idea it was coming and it just shocked me. The acting and writing on that episode were as good as it gets. I actually ended up standing in my hallway watching it because I just couldn't stand being in the same room as it. It was too much.


i know...same here, it was just so unexpected and came out of nowhere! almost couldnt watch the show anymore afterwards, but it is too good for that. Kind of like an Australian Six Feet Under or something. My girlfriend stopped watching it though, even though she loved it, she just couldnt handle the thought of another hit like that!



You wrote your bit 6 years ago now and will never see this; but I just want to add that when a particularly hard thing to watch comes on the telly, I also go into another room and watch it through a doorway, or in extreme cases, I turn the sound off and then go out on the patio and watch the scene through the screen door with the television screen so small that I can barely see what's happening. add up: I leave the house, I cannot hear anything, neither dialogue nor music, and I can barely see the screen at all. That is how I watch particularly awful things.

Wish I could do that in real life.
Oh, wait, I'm a drunk! I DO do that in real life!



I just want to say how turely talented the actors in this show are.That particullar episode along with all the others are amazing!!!!!I think that is why it has such an impact.
I also like how people are not just forgotton and gotten over after they die.Like when someone dies on home and away or neighbours with in a week everyone moves on and they are never mentioned again.I love how in love my way they took the time to show the aftermath of what had happened to Lou and to show how it inpacted every character differently.


Never cried so much watching a TV show, and I'm a tough guy, bought the series because I haven't got Foxtel, wanted to know what all the hype was about. Such a heavy drama


You may want to change the titel of this thread. It's such a spoiler. :-(

"I hope I never get so old I get religious" - Ingmar Bergman


Love My Way is such a great show!! I just finished watching season 1 and I thought every episode was superb. The episode where Lou died was so heart wrenching that I cried all the way through. Lou's death was such a shock and so sudden but also very true to life. The actors did an incredible job, it must have been a difficult episode to film, especially for Claudia Karvan. She did a great job of portraying a grieving mother. I also liked how Lou came back to see Frank in a dream, it was a nice touch. My flatmate had already seen season 1 so she warned me that something bad was going to happen. Im glad she warned me because Lou's death was so tragic!


Oh my gord the drama

it was the most emotional thing ever

ive never cried so much in all my life


Do u know if there is going to be another season???
I live in sweden, and just love love love the show... but am a bit worried its not gonna be anything more...


I had never seen this series.. The first scene I ever saw was when I turned on the TV and Charlie was at a children's football practice watching at night. Some parent or coach came up and started bugging him about what he was doing there... and then he explained the situation.

Kind of a weird place to start watching, but I was hooked ever since. This show is phenomenal. It's like more realistic than my life is.


it was especially devastating since the episode before lou had gone through her 'family up a tree'
i dont usually cry but this made me hysterical.
i watched it last night on dvd so i havent gotten around to the next episode.
i'm totally hooked but this was probably some of the saddest tv i'v ever watched
amazing acting though, so believable
except for the "cute baby girl"
the kids not getting christened:
a. because they'r sitting outside the church
b. hes wearing normal clothes.... idiot haha


I just didn't want to believe it, I thought it was a dream, I couldnt comprehend how it could hppen. It was such a brave move for the writers and producers to kill off such a major character, and not a parent but a child. The rest of the series is quite horrific too-I continued to cry for every episode i the series. It was an amazing episode though-amazing acting, writing, so realistic


It was, it was full-on. Um... nobody's complained for a year and a half so I guess it's fine... but maybe in future, you might want to be a bit more careful about subject lines - that's a massive spoiler to post like that.
