Favourite Episode?

So far I'll have to say Radio Radio...it was SO good!!!! Though Together and Jay's Pirate Video were good too!


My favourite was 'Just for the Record' - it was the second in the series, i think, although i think todays was great!

Claire x



I like you then, lol. Helen Kurup really is excellent. I thought Rachel Hyde-Harvey was really good in "Pirate Video" too. I love her put-on accent.


Does anyone know who plays the American girl in it. I looked for her name but the credits go up to fast. Thanks


It's Rachel(Amy on the show). She's really British though.


the last episode!! bcoz i knew that was the last of that crap show!


i liked all of them, but ma fave has to be.. Episode 1 and 6, cos i luv the song Why Me, and they song Be A Star


Epiosode 8 coz stace sung well gud!


Any episode with Matt shirtless oh and the one with Girls Girls Girls or something and the one with the song 'Be A Star'

Janelle: Dogs love us Timmins'
Janae: Once on your leg doesn't count


I Love them all! Calvin and Matt are soooooooooo fit!
