Dangerous ghosts?

During the reveal have they ever told the property owner that it is dangerous?
Seems like the episodes I've seen it's never a evil entity.


I haven't seen EVERY episode, but they have never have encountered an evil or inhuman spirit on camera.

The closest was the Season 1 episode in the armory where the sound guy got nailed with his equipment. I don't remember what they told the client, though.

Even when it sounds like the client is encountering an angry or evil spirit, it backs down from the big, bad ghost hunters!

"Good night, and grease for peace."



One thing they are good at is making the client feel safe. If memory serves, they have run into a few 'Paranormal Bullies'. Spirits that seem agressive. They educate the clients on how not to be afraid & to take control of their house, building etc.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


Yeah, on rare occassion, mostly in homes. And they've told the client to have their family all come together and collectively tell 'it' to go away. Haven't seen them come across anything like that in a long time. I love seeing the inside of some of these large mansions/tourist traps and hotels they seem to be hitting, but I do miss them going to people's houses.


I remember a first or second season episode where one of the twins blessed the home at the owner's request, but she was just scared. I don't think the ghost did anything particularly aggressive, though....

I wanted to go to the Ghost Hunters Live show and ask if they've ever encountered an non-human spirit in an investigation. If they did, I wonder if they'd show it on television.

"Good night, and grease for peace."



If your looking for 'Dangerous Ghosts' or Evil Spirits. Watch 'The Dead Files'.
OMFREAKINGG!!! That woman can find Horror & Evil in a kiddie day care. (OK, that wasn't a very good analogy. We have ALL seen how Evil those pre-schoolers can be.)
Anyway, Amy NEVER finds anything benevolent. It appears she gets off on freaking out the clients & telling them they don't stand a chance against them.

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"


Jason did supposedly get scratched on his back in one season... 3 or 4?

Tired of people telling me how young I am when I feel so old...


Didn't Hagar, one of their camera operators, get scratched & made to feel ill during an episode a year or so ago? I seem to recall they asked her to accompany them on the rest of their investigation to see if her presence would trigger any more manifestations...

IMDB's ignore user button = priceless :)


Grant got his jacket collar tugged on by an evil ghost...oh wait.



*hee hee hee

"All Games Contain The Concept Of Death"
