second season

this show is currently creening in australia as we speak and let me just say that i absolutely love it, it is one of the darkest shows i have ever seen... this show is what season 3 of league of gentleman should of been like! i cant wait to own this on dvd!.... i still havent seen the last episode so i dont know if i all gets wrapped up but it looks like this show could have the potentional for plenty more stories to tell! i hope a second season gets made. if anyone has any imformation that would be great


It's left open for a second season, and I would die with happiness if one was announced. You'd think the BBC would welcome it seeing as the series received a BAFTA nomination (and should have won because it was better than ANYTHING else that was on last year) but you get the feeling they would rather have a show they could put on at 9pm just like every other sheep-like drama they churn out.
