MaryBeth Davis case

The Marybeth Davis case was one of the most HORRENDOUS versions of Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy cases I've ever heard.

She gave her 10-week-old son, Seth, an overdose of insulin, causing seizures and permanent brain damage; he died in 2002 at the age of 21. She gave her 3-year-old daughter, Kegan, an overdose of caffeine diet pills. When an autopsy was performed, her intestines were full of the capsules, even though her lawyer tried to say it was Reye's Syndrome. I believe the autopsy.

She tried to gain the sympathy of the court by talking about her bad teen years. I'm not sure if her father committed incest with her, or if she got pregnant by someone else, but when her father heard about the pregnancies, he caused her to miscarry by beating her with a cat o'nine tails. That was probably a lie she didn't have to tell because where would he have gotten a weapon like that?! Wouldn't the scars show when she was strip-searched in jail and prison? She hid the dead babies in trunks in the house and in storage lockers/buildings to be found later.

The tings that REALLY sickened me about the case was that she got away with it for so long. She abandoned Seth in a mental institution because she couldn't stand to look at him, saying his brain was so badly damaged that he wouldn't know she was there anyway. Another thing was her family rallied around her, saying that they never SAW her commit the crimes. Of COURSE they didn't; she was sneaky about it, and on top of everything else, she was a NURSE! Imagine that, someone we're supposed to trust.

Information about this case can be found on Wikipedia and murderpedia.
