Favourite Character

There hasn't been a post like this in a while, and I am sure there are some new fans now.... So who is your favourite character and why?

Mine would be Toby, everything he says is just hilarious

"Did you do me in my sleep...but...but"

"My uncle died without falling out of anything"

And I like whoever it is that answers the bell for SugarApe


Ned Smanks.

But Rufus Onslatt is well plastic too.


I agree Ned Smanks is hilarious:

"Keep it foolish"



Jonatton Yeah?

"I hope we haven't offended absolutely evrybody"

"Nice glass of Dutch wine?"


It's gotta be Nathan! He's a bit dumb but such a genius at the same time.


Deffinatly Pingu! Ben is just so darn adorbale and he was perfect for this role.


I feel really sorry for poor Pingu. I really like Dan Ashcroft (Julian Barrett is a legend), my favorite bit is where he asks for scrambled egg and smoked salmon in his coffee, although Geek Pie is a classic too! Toby is hilarious too, he has the best lines by far, and we can't forget Jones (As Noel Fielding is also a legend).

"elephants are nice...but alpaccas are much fluffier"


Has to be Ned Smanks, has the funniest lines:

"Keep It Foolish"
"Well Plastic"

He works best of course when him and Rufus are together, so props to Rufus too, they may be 'idiots', but they are well funny!


15peter20 is also well plastic!

"elephants are nice...but alpaccas are much fluffier"



toby toby toby...

but also pingu

but mostly toby

(and pingu)


jonatton yeah?


davje bukinis



smanks and yeah?
the dvd extras are hillarious cause of smanks, well worth the ££s alone.
barley: here's ned smanks, rating and slating
smanks: yeah i give this a seven?

"I've seen your light. It burns bright forever. No more blue tomorrows... you on high now."


It's gotta be Doug Rocket! I know people like that in real life, one of which actually had a show very similar to "My Laptops" :) I nearly pee'd myself!

Gotta go, this is my Ape Hour.


Doug Rocket for me. "Have you ever taken acid?"

Same as above poster I know so many folk like that. I worked in a gallery which was almost identical to 'Place' called 'Stills' (it's logo is the same, just a circle with the name inside) when NB was first broadcast. I remember telling a girl who worked there about Nathan Barley and she just sighed and quietly cursed to herself at the realization of the parody being so accurate. We had an exhibition that was just print-outs of random numbers and guests were encouraged to try and find meaning within them... One show was just a projection of a space capsule spinning around on a loop while a man barked orders in Russian at it... God we had one that was just a row of Mac laptops with an MSN style chat programme that guests could use to talk to other people sitting across from them. Worst of all the staff and curator thought this was groundbreaking!

"It was John Lennon, he was passing me the torch... thanks John."


Well, as I'm totally in love with Ben Whishaw, the shallow part of me says Pingu but I'd say Toby.

Both of them, Dan's great too.


Dan Ashcroft, Toby.


Jonatton Yeah? ;-)


Dan - even though he was a bit of self-righteous, cowardly tool, I did find him quite endearing towards the end and wanted him to win... also there's the fact Julian Barratt plays him with brilliant comic skill

Jones - only a minor character, yes, but I thought the bits he was in were GOLD! I found him very adorable with his OTT enthusiasm and house decorated with artworks of himself - would have loved to have seen more of him

Pingu - again, so cute and endearing! I felt so sorry for him *hugs Pingu*. He was also one of the few likeable characters I think.

My least favourite characters were Nathan and Claire. I absolutely despised them both, but they were important to show and played very well.



Well, it's how they all play off each other really. I think Toby was one of the funniest individually. Nathan and Dan are both hilarious, but a lot of that is how they interract with each other.

"I'm the Bishop of Southwark - it's what I do!"
