Deleted Scenes

After viewing the deleted scenes on the unrated DVD, it seems this film would have been much improved if the deleted scenes were incorporated into it.

Unfortunately most of the deleted scenes have no audio, so it is difficult to determine what some of them were about.

Is this the only cut available?


I agree. At least two thematic elements made no sense without the deleted scenes. But, more importantly the setup for the sacking of Frank and Jones' nice gesture (too late) of saying goodbye to him without any game playing should not have been cut. If left in, a central irony of the film would have been allowed to play out. No idea why that was done other than to keep the running time down to satisfy some specific obligation.



"This sausage is... Sub-Standard!"


what deleted scenes are there? i have'nt seen these. Ive heard rumours of showing Brian as a child swimming?
