Saw this in Belfast - what a terrible film! Terrible direction, lousy script.... great performance from Bergin is let down by the terrible Vinnie Jones. He can play the hard man, but not a character like Johnny. Really lousy. With a decent director, and the same actors, maybe. I heard the writer thinks its rubbishly directed as well.


great performance by Bergin?! are you mad? i agree completely though about the direction, its possibly the worst ive ever seen on screen. The guy was a complete joker!


Looked like Bergin was doing his thing, La Salle was doing his, and headless chickens were doing what headless chickens do. Nobody in control?


What was Vinnie's Irish accent like?

"Curse The Wind That Shakes The Barley curse a spade and curse the plow."


I second that. Terrible.


Not to be arguementative but I thought Bergin was useless. Everytime I go over to England I get idiots trying to do my accent and it pisses me off cuz they're always crap and stereotypical. That's how Bergin came across to me. He just sounded like one of those ignorant morons waffling on about 'craic' and 'eejit' in a stern tone and think they're a regular David Thewlis. Now I know it's a difficult accent to do. So for heaven's sake hire Northern Irish actors! It's not like you're stuck for choice - Kenneth Branagh? Liam Neeson? Or even the actors from some of the low-budget, underrated films like Man About Dog, or An Everlasting Piece.


Beware this message board it is RIPE with marketing people posting Love IT statements. I hope the movie is good, but I'm annoyed that they practice this.
On the other threads for "Johnny Was" when I mentioned this they delete my post.
Four deleted and counting.

"You bled my Momma, You bled my Popa, Won't bleed ME!"


I read the script before they started filming and the script was fantastic. However, when they filmed it it didn't turn out well at all. I didn't think the directing was good at all. Vinnie Jones, Lennox Lewis and a couple of others who I can't remember their names were great in the film. But I thought Eric La Salle, Patrick Bergin and Samantha Mumba were all terrible. I was really expecting a lot from this film but in the end it didn't deliver. It could have been brilliant with a different director and a few different cast members, but I very much doubt a remake is in the pipeline.


god u guys are picky try just watching and
stop trying to be a frickin critic.its a good
low budget gangster film and quirky.watch it that way.


Funny, I thought for the type of film it is... a crime film, it wasn't that bad. I found it entertaining enough.


What the *beep* is wrong with you people??? You all are saying this is terrible??? I'm from Kilorglin, Ireland so this is coming from an Irishman. I thought this movie was fantastic period. I loved the soundtrack, Vinnie kicked ass, the girl was hot, Bergin was entertaining, Lennox Lewis did an amazing job, and I thought the story was well put together. I gave it 10/10, in fact I am watching it right now smoking a spliff
