
It just flashed into my mind as I was walking through a Grocery Store...
I DON'T KNOW THOUGH.... Bored....

OH AND, This movie should be called Roman Orgy >_>

Eat and *beep* EVERYTHING.


Read my profile in the thread about what your profile would be :).

Id say yes they were in fact Chupacrabras, that's what I automatically thought when I saw this.

Life's tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.


I felt the same way.

Your signature - I actually think life is harder if you're intelligent. Stupid people are more likely to be content with the mundane things in life. Smart people think too much, and thinking is just bad.


I also thought about Wendigo(s) when I first saw them. Then when they took the fake head off, I just thought about my mother-in-law.

You know the sound of wind rushing through treetops? That's my signature.
