MovieChat Forums > Feast (2007) Discussion > the kid (spoilers)

the kid (spoilers)

killing him was wrong. kids are off limits in movies. period.

Alright, now, wasn't that fun?... let's try something else



Any other movies where the kid dies? The only one I can think of is the 80s remake of The Blob.

I'm sick of pussies whining about the kid's death. There was way worse stuff in the movie.

lovedawn - vitriolic ranting at its laziest




..some people are just pussies!!

"What your mother and I must know, is.."


In Planet Terror a mom gives her kid a gun so he's safe from zombies... litterally 10 seconds later he's already shot himself.

"To weird to live, and too rare to die."
-Hunter S. Thompson


that made my day
and also granted an 8 score


alien vs Predator 2 has a kid dying (killed by chestburster)

Anyway, I love it when kids die random deaths in movies. In real life, the same would happen, so...


Kids in horror movies generally always live, so there's little or no suspense in watching them on the screen. I give credit to any movie willing to deviate from the norm and toy with audience expectations. What happened to the kid in Feast was unexpected, brutal, and all-around brilliant. Very not PC!


.....Nightmare On Elm Street Franchise. Little kids die as much as the teenagers

Signature in in Chyna


What little kids die on-screen in the NOES franchise? I don't recall a single one.


I agree with you and the guy before. KIDS DIE. It's a fact of life and shouldn't be avoided in ANY film just to protect the pathetic sensibilities of delusional, denial ridden wussies. Take 28 weeks later, for example:


Kids are brought into safe zone. Kids sneak out of safe zone. Kids find contaminated mother who returns to safe zone. EVERYONE DIES EXCEPT THE TWO DUMB-ASS KIDS!!! BULLSHI-


Kids need to die in order to maintain the integrity of the film. Nobody is safe from the random events of life. Deal with it.


If that is your opinion, I should warn you not to watch the sequel.


That's exactly why the kid gets offed! Because people think that kids are off limits. NOBODY IS OFF LIMITS! That's hardly fair, now is it? Why does Junior there get a chance at life when Jason Mewes dies? Give the guy a break!

And THAT is where babies come from.


In Sleep Hallow a kid also dies.


Have you ever seen JAWS. "Off limits" you are very narrow minded.


Hobo With a Shotgun has a Flame Thrower vs Bus packed with kids. You get to see all of their faces. Feast is Pretty tame in comparison.



Not the case in-
Planet Terror
Sleepy Hollow
Sleepaway Camp
The Stepfather
Funny Games
The Mist
The blob
Hostel 2
Dawn of the Dead

Just off the top of my head.... not saying its right, just saying it does add shock value to the film making it more memorable

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


Cody is killed precisely because it is considered 'off limits'. This is the essence of 'Feast'.
