MovieChat Forums > Feast (2007) Discussion > Worst Movie Ever Made!!!

Worst Movie Ever Made!!!

I saw the whole Project Greenlight series a few years ago, and had always wanted to see this movie, as I had seen the other two from that series. I finally saw it, and this is by far the worst of the three movies. It's not scary at all, everything is shot in close ups and medium shots, so the action is hard to follow. The editing is choppy and the cinematography too dark. There are too many characters and zero character development. The death scenes are bloody but happen so fast they're almost non-existent. The monsters are hardly in the movie, but when they are they're hoaky and cliched. There's not one scare in this movie. I had been pulling for Johh Gulager, but after seeing the terrible movie he made, I won't be seeing any more of his movies. I know a lot of you on this board like the movie, but you must all be kids who don't know the difference between a movie and a video game.


I love this movie because it's mindless entertainment with lots of gore. Good times indeed.

"Draaaaainage!"-Daniel Plainview


No the worst movie I have seen is Headless Eyes, this was good mindless fun. The difference between a movie and a video game is the controller!

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.


I never saw the Greenlight series. I think your dead on with your review of this movie. I LOVE horror movies, and especially bad ones. But this one is just completely unenjoyable. Like you said, it was very choppy and dark (did no one realize this during the filming?), and way too many characters. Also the thing that explains who the characters were were very annoying. On Boondock Saints it works, because it's done sparingly. On this movie it just sucks. Like the movie itself. You don't care about the characters. I heard the director was almost fired. I wish he were. Oh and the movie isn't even funny. At all! What's sad is that Jason Mewes and Henry Rollins are in it and they couldn't save it. Mewes only had a two minute part and Henry tried really hard, I wish he could have been funnier. At some points I was telling myself how bored I was. And also there's no story-line or plot. I get that they were trying to go against cliches, but it wasn't clever enough. I saw someone compare it to evil dead, but there's not even any comparison. Am I missing something???


You're missing the fact that you try to bring up negative points by using Boondock Saints and Jason Mewes as examples of good film.

And has it occured to you that the underlit sets and rapid-fire close shots are actually intentional? Directing in that style is a cliche in low-budget horror movies.

And as for character development it's a no-brainer (literally) that they were Stereotypical Horror Movie Victims. Hell, why else do you think each one got a title and description when they were introduced? It was part of the joke that these characters aren't important except for when they're getting butchered on screen.

Te liberes ratione.


This is the worst movie you have ever seen? Over react much? I find that hard to believe with how much crap is out there.


I didnt like the first 15 min. because it was too fast paced and chaotic and I didnt know what was going on but after that was over when the movie slowed down a bit I started to like it a lot more and enjoyed it. Im not a huge horror-comedy fan but I thought this movie had a good mix of the two and didnt overdo the comedic stuff.


This is the worst movie you have ever seen? Over react much? I find that hard to believe with how much crap is out there.

Well not everything can be a remake or Twilight, so cut the guy a break. He's had a really hard time adjusting to something kinda different in a sea of lame-ass but trendy PG-13 horror flicks, and Saw Sequels. I just hope he never has the misfortune of watching something as cool as Brain Dead.

I'm the alpha male! I'M THE ALPHA MALE!


you realize there's one of you in every single movie thread on imdb right?


Haaahaaa, ya your right? I dont think there is ONE? movie ever made that someone didnt say "this is the worse movie ever made!" haahaa, thats alot of bad movies, hope the person relizes this was a movie that Matt Damon & Ben Affleck gave a nobody a chance to make a movie? Even with that premise this movie isnt even the top 500 of the worse movie`s ever made? Considering the low budget they had to make this movie (it made money, 100s of movies a YEAR! cant say that)) and all the $300 million budgets they have made, that made $60 millon? Name anyone of Eddie Murphy`s last 6 bombs! I would say this if far from the worse movie ever, give this movie that kind of budget and then see how bad it is, and it wasnt even that bad, with the low budget.


Definitely in my top ten worst...and I rarely say this about any movie, in fact, normally I try to avoid the "worst movie ever" threads that appear on pretty much every single movie board here, because they're usually not true & are really just somebody trying to start something.

But really was ridiculous, from the cheap stupid-looking "monsters" to the silly "non"-characters & horrible "acting", to the dialogue, never mind the "effects" and gratuitous amount of fake, but not scary or even gross besides maybe maggot boy, not the least because of those annoying shots, blood and guts. Is there really a person alive that doesn't know how to load a gun? Or at least, how not to? Was that stupid or what?! Monsters humping everything in sight, are they kidding? And not just "monsters" but "Mensa Monsters". Just kill me now!

Very few movies can pull off the comedic horror thing, most--like this...mess--would be better off not even trying.

I actually have seen worse....but not by much.



The reason that it's so bad is because you can actually see that it SHOULD have been great. There were some great actors in it, some great characters and the story was basically sound. But....we never really got to KNOW the characters before they were gone, the special effects budget should have been increased to at LEAST a few hundred dollars, instead of the buck-ninety-nine that they actually seem to have spent and, the worst thing, they should not have totally thrown away the gorey death scenes. It's an axiom of horror films that the deaths have to be surprising, but when you make so many fast cuts and use so many close-ups, the viewer can't tell what the HELL IS GOING ON. Luckily I watched it on tape so that I could rewind to see who was actually killed, but even then I couldn't quite tell WHAT happened. And by destroying the gorey scenes with the horrible way they filmed them, they destroyed the very reason why we WATCH these things. Stupid, stupid move.

It all comes down to putting this in the hands of a really good writer/really bad director. Gulager is obviously really talented in some things and absolutely inept in others. Hollywood should snap him up to write a really innovative script and then BAN him from ever directing it.


love it, if you liked the movie you're just a stupid kid. wow

the movie is a monster horror. i can't remember the last monster horror that i watched that was in fact SCARY.

the guy got the chance to make his own movie and direct it. it was OBVIOUS the movie wasn't gonna be amazing and scary. what new horror movies are?? shutter? quarantine?? please. least he had fun with this movie and mocked horror movies. im sure the reason he did the characters the way he did was well A. its all formulated. got your hero, got your heroine, got your jerk, got your bib boobed bimbo. B. why bother with "this is sally, she is a college student and a D cup oh she died thank god you learned about her what you did so i could kill her"

and his little character descriptions made the irony more funny like killing off the kid, killing the hero, the bimbo survives AND leaves everyone to die lol

i love when people complain about a movie when the movie is obviously gonna be stupid. a monster attacks a group of people in a bar. oh yes im sure thats just the scariest thing on earth. *rolls eyes*

Hey Laser Lips Yo Momma Was A Snow Blower - Johnny 5


Do you have any idea how over-used the "Worst Movie Ever" statement is? There are hundreds of them on IMDB.

Well, in the immortal words of Darkwing Duck, 'Lets get DANGEROUS!'
